
i. Spring: 15/03 - 12/05(68 days)

Flowers are blooming, spring trees are gaining their blossoms and regrowing their leaves, and everything is bright and green. Many festivals are held around this time, mostly celebrating freedom, life, happiness, and love. Gods who deal with earth, plants, and life are generally celebrated during this time.

ii. Summer: 13/05 - 05/08(98 days)

Depending on the area, you may have a very light summer, where it’s spring but with less rain and a bit warmer, or a heavy summer, which is when the temperatures crank up to the max, and many days are spent under trees sweating, or inside drinking cool drinks. Areas may also get a mix of the two, or alternate from one to the other. Events celebrated at this time include those that are in relation to the hotter elements of the planets, like lava and fire gods. They also celebrate the water and air gods who bless them with coolness during these heated times.

iii. Autumn: 06/08 - 18/10(83 days)

Plants are dying once again, but many consider it a time of beauty. Events around this time are normally about togetherness, family, and death. Gods who control life, birth, and death are celebrated and give time for the mourning of those who have been lost, and the celebration of new and old lives through stories, performances, and magic(magic bonfires!!). Unless they hate magic, then burning magical items or just having a boring old bonfire works.

iv. Winter: 19/10 - 14/03(101 days)

This is the most formal time of the year. Many balls and dances are held around this time so that you may be dressed with large cloaks and jackets over your finest and still be comfortable without the extra padding in the warmth of the ballroom. Events around this time are more earthly, not celebrating any gods but celebrating the dawn of a new year and a new cycle, and the time to give to others.

Their planet has 10 months, each with 5 weeks of 7 days, with 35 days in total. Mostly revolved around the gods and moon cycles, each new month will be welcomed with a large full moon.

  • 1 (W) - Verfrost (vehr-frost)
  • 2 (W) - Kilona (kill-own a)
  • 3 (W/Sp) - Sytends (sih-tends)
  • 4 (Sp) - Aitloom (ate-loom)
  • 5 (Sp/Su) - Raltide (rahl-tide)
  • 6 (Su) - Sunduin (son-doin)
  • 7 (Su) - Lumrise (loom-rise)
  • 8 (Su/A) - Goloria (guh-lorry ah)
  • 9 (A) - Etonal (ehton-all)
  • 10 (A/W) - Liefall (lie-fall)

Magic is just a thing that people are born with, like any other physical trait. It can't be easily taught, but some who were born without magic were able to inherit it later in life. There are schools to train those with magic, but even though it’s become more common throughout the centuries many still fear it and lead “witch hunts,” in hopes that they can cleanse some of the world.

Gods and Goddesses are worshiped highly by the majority, however many do not care for them or pretend to. They will either be worshiped by sector or towns/cities/kingdoms where altars/monuments get built.

Vitrumnia has a few events, like the Gauntlets at the end of each season to see what you have learned that relates back to that season. It’s a week of training and preparation for a showcase in front of gods that are related to that season. They will grade you based on performance, knowledge of the skill, effort, presentation, and other factors in that area.

  • Lapiltus - Kishi & Conni’s birthplace and home of Ralene’s once safest statue.
  • Vitrumnia Institution for Spellcasting and Sorcery - Magic school where Ralene and others teach and everyone attends school.
  • Speculose - The realm unseen to the human eye; an exact reflection of what’s contained in our world. This realm can be called upon and molded to fit the will of the sorcerer who cast the portal between realms. The realm stays in the memory of the sorcerer’s wand and can be called upon. Depending on the skill of the sorcerer they can hold more than one, but never more than 3 at a time.
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  • Vitrumnia - "The Glass Flower" A rare flower native to the country of Miran. Most grow directly on the campus of Vitrumnia, thus giving it their name.
  • cogitationis - reflection
  • speculo - mirror
  • vitrum - glass
  • lapis - stone
  • cultus - worship
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