The House of the Radiant Wight

The House of the Radiant Wight




  • TYPE Anarchist Social Center
  • FOUNDERS The Radiant Wight
  • LEADER None
  • Location Agios Nektarios 34
  • Residents Varies
  • Affiliations Hydrangea, House of Phantoms
  • STATUS Active


"When Hydrangea faces its downfall, we will move to the House of the Radiant Wight at the top of Agios Nektarios street. It's large enough to store remaining knowledge and for those who settle here. It can be beneficial for both of us as Dr. Athanasiadis is open about people settling there. Essentials are present, has a library, a farm, open areas for the artistic ones, and we have the same principles." - Theodoros Malamas

The House of the Radiant Wight is one of the oldest anarchist spaces in Hyacinthus neighborhood. It used to be a squat since the War of Independence until 1950s, which became a cooperative-owned, self-managed social center. Activities that occur in the Radiant Wight include education, agriculture, library, and a space for performances such as theatrical plays and gigs.

While known anarchist spaces such as House of Phantoms for visual arts and gothic music, Erevos for it's performance arts and punk music, Hydrangea for it's literature, magic studies, and journalism. The Radiant Wight is more focused in education for everyone.

Residents vary time to time but the Athanasiadis family are known residents in the house. Historically, the families from the Radiant Wight group during the War of Independence such as the Malamas, Zografos, and others settle in the house as well. Up until 1900s, only the families of the Malamas, Zografos, and the Athanasiadis remained as other settlers had moved on or died.


People share their knowledge and skills with other people, valuing freedom without a rigid, authoritarian, and a hierarchical system. Unlike other places where mutants such as vampires, elves, and theriomorphs are ostracized, everyone is welcome to enter the villa and they are encouraged to be free and happy without borders. They don't want any competitions going on with the people, rather cooperation and mutualism.


The House of the Radiant Wight is known to hold anarchist beliefs. While anyone can be part of the community, it is known from artists, academics, and writers.


  1. Everyone in the House of the Radiant Wight has a freedom of exploration, compared to most learning areas present.
  2. No one is forced to do something, but everyone is encouraged to practice cooperative works and mutualism.
  3. Because of schools during the old times practice corporal punishment, the House of the Radiant Wight does not punish anyone who had done wrong things. Instead, they help them to become decent humans and rehabilitate about their wrongdoings.
  4. Just because nobody is a ruler doesn't mean there's no basic rules, drugs are prohibited just like most of the squats present in the neighborhood.




The Radiant Wight is initially intended to be a learning center, not just a social center. People exchange their knowledge and skills to each other. Usual topics shared such as agriculture, philosophy, and practical skills.


Performance and Visual Arts

Whether its a theatrical play, punk gigs and shows, or maybe a little bit of an art exhibition. The exterior is wide enough for these kinds of spaces.



The House of the Radiant Wight has a small farm that produces fruits and vegetables, and the vampire fruit called hemothylax. Excess produce are given out for free without any cost.


A villa that was squatted since the War of Independence, owned by one of the Athanasiadis' ancestor's enemies that eventually occupied by a group called the Radiant Wight. It has been used as a learning and a social center ever since the villa was occupied. During the Greek War of Independence, the villa was a headquarters of the Radiant Wight's enemies.

In 1950s, Sotirios got the ownership of the building itself as the original owners abandoned it completely but that doesn't change the House purpose. It still remains cooperatively-owned despite the Athanasiadis are the ones living most of the time. Theodoros Malamas moved to another squat called Hydrangea, which was similar to the Radiant Wight but more focused in magic studies. Both the Radiant Wight and Hydrangea have connections since Theodoros left the house itself.


The villa has a small farm growing fruits and vegetables, which anyone is welcome to harvest. Hemothylax is the villa's special product as some of the residents are vampires. Excess produce is given out to those who need it. The house itself has many rooms, which it has several bedrooms present.


When the House of the Radiant Wight itself isn't really a problem, as they give education without a cost. The house is located in the most conservative places in the neighborhood. The streets of Agios Nektarios is known for discrimination among vampires and revenants, believing that the House of the Radiant Wight ruin "Traditional values". Others also view people involved in the Radiant Wight are a group of devil-worshipping people offering blood to a vampire lord (referring to Dr. Athanasiadis). Which all of them are false and the Athanasiadis themselves are Greek Orthodox, though they have more of an anarchic view of religion.

In the positive side, people go to the House of the Radiant Wight to teach themselves skills they wanted to learn without being forced to pay anything. Performance art activities present in the Radiant Wight such as plays and gigs are getting attention and most of it are free of admittance.

Key People

Dr. Sotirios Athanasiadis

  • AGE: 86
  • GENDER: Male
  • Occupation: History Professor
  • Resident Since: Since Birth
  • STATUS: Active

Theodoros Malamas

  • AGE: 90
  • GENDER: Male
  • Occupation: Philosophy Professor
  • Resident Since: Birth-1970s
  • STATUS: In Hydrangea

M. Zografou

  • AGE: 74
  • GENDER: Female
  • Occupation: Artist (Sculptor)
  • RESIDENT SINCE: Birth-late 1960s
  • STATUS: Deceased

Alkinoos Athanasiadis

  • AGE: 43
  • GENDER: Non-Binary
  • Occupation: Philosophy professor
  • Resident SINCE: Birth-1996
  • STATUS: In Exarcheia, Athens

Athanasios Athanasiadis

  • AGE: 55
  • GENDER: Male
  • Occupation: Writer
  • Resident SINCE: Birth
  • STATUS: Missing


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • Occupation: Unknown
  • Resident SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • Occupation: Unknown
  • Resident SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown

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