






Found Family





Gang Violence

"It took place at exactly 00:00."

La Miriade is one of the most organized crime syndicates in Venezia, Italy.

Defined by five levels of power, the Boss and everyone beneath him rule over the city with fear and an iron fist. They have pickings of the finest luxuries, art, fashion, and never go hungry. Assuming of course, they have the power to keep that right.

Yet, for such an impregnable defense, their secrets come bursting towards the surface when Kleiner and Hermes undergo a reconnaissance mission that goes horribly wrong.

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Aliquam tincidunt dignissim ex, sagittis congue ligula semper ac. Sed quis est ac justo hendrerit rhoncus vel quis felis. Nunc ut molestie urna. Etiam eu malesuada leo, vel ultrices sapien. Nulla ornare ligula sit amet aliquam rutrum. Curabitur interdum venenatis pulvinar. Suspendisse non ligula quis ipsum ornare hendrerit vel id ante. Sed tempus sit amet mi at elementum. Nullam id viverra felis, nec maximus leo. Vestibulum elementum in magna sit amet bibendum. Etiam ac dolor id lorem cursus interdum rhoncus vel metus. Vivamus non dictum quam, non dictum sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam sollicitudin, elit et posuere viverra, mi ligula pretium augue, nec rutrum tellus ante ac massa. Suspendisse varius mollis quam, feugiat fermentum augue dictum non.


Song Title

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His past is unknown, Kleiner was found in an alleyway on the brink of death by Kingfisher and Hermes. A reserved and timid worker for the mafia who in contrast, kills and maims with much ease and little preamble. Outside of his circle, other soldiers liken them to a machine.


An orphan picked off the street by Kingfisher, she since then has been a trusted member of the small community of soldiers due to her affable nature. Well known for being alarmingly adapatable, which makes up for her lack of cunning. Still, you may not want to cross her path.


The time in which they were initiated into La Miriade is unknown. Yet, they seem to have been the perfect by-product of this world. Fulling immersed in the culture and well versed in the dynamics of power in the community, they can often be seen frequenting parties and bars alike. While not particularly trusted, they are well liked enough to work into most circles.


The healers in La Miriade are a quiet force to be reckoned with. While they are not often on the field, what they lack in strength they make up for in intel, which is another strength all together. Phoenix is knowing of most of the secrets behind powerful members of La Miriade, yet, she seeks to dig deeper and uncover the nature of powers and where they come from.


La Miriade

Their dealings are mostly handled in different regions of the city. Each members have a main base they report to and then, their own homes usually further away from those bases. Although, those whose lives are fully involved in the syndicate may live closer to their bases or in secluded communities of other La Miriade members.

Paradiso Dell'angelo

A quaint clinic working under the guise of an orphanage. Further data expunged.

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