
1. No being OP. Now, being strong is different than being OP. Strong characters are allowed to a degree, but unfair OPness is not. 

2. This is a 14+ world. We will discuss things that are appropriate in 13+ movies. If you get triggered easily, this may not be the group for you due to subject matter. However, every time these come up, there will be a trigger warning

3. Continuing from rule 3, no 18+ material. No homophobia, zenophobia, real life racism, exct exct. 

4. Homosexual activity,,,, good,,,,, 

5. TRY to match your partner while roleplaying. One liners are banned here unless it's ooc. 

6. Any MLP creatures allowed other than Humans. No crossovers. 

7. This is not only for roleplaying! You could also join to just make lore, comics, writing, exct!

8. When submitting characters, please include what group they are in. If they're in Strange Magic users or Far Away Lands, give some origin details. Your character will be denied if this is not followed.