Name origin: Spiritus Oris comes from the Latin word which means Spirit mouths.

History: As their name would suggest, they're actual spirits who possesses human hair.

These spirits come in all shapes and sizes, so as the human host gets possessed,

they receive the spirit's traits (check trait guide).

So where do they come from?

Every once in a while the gates to the spirit realm grow weak allowing these souls to escape into the human realm,

but, they have limited time to stay as they themselves grow weak and tragically will cease to exist

making it a priority to find a host as soon as possible.


Some spirits can be more powerful than others, the more powerful they are the more traits the human host gets.

Also, if the human gets possessed by 2 or more spirits thus resulting on having more spirit mouths on their hair, it may cause the host to go insane.

The spirits have minds of their own and can speak to their host.

If the human has a strong mind and soul they are able to control the spirit, or in some cases if they've made good friends or strong connection with the spirit they will gain their trust and will be able to use the hair as they please.


It's very common that these spirits posses females, on the other hand, males are super rare to get possessed.

Though there are some cases where the gender may change as the spirit takes over, once again, it depends on the spirit that chooses them.


Humans can have any sort of diet (vegetarian, vegan, carnivore etc).

While the spirits are purely carnivore, though they don't really have a reason to eat living things, they only do it because they can, but they also enjoy consuming other weaker spirits.


Where do these spirits come from?

They come from the Spirit world~ and as the gates between the Spirit world and human realm weaken, these spirits are able to escape and so their first priority is to find a host to posses, if not, they will cease to exist.

Before they possess the host, are these spirits visible to the human eye?

No they are not visible to the human eye. But as the human gets possessed by the spirit, the host sort of takes resemblance of that spirit.

Can these spirits possess children, babies/infants?

As long as they have some hair, it is possible.

Why do spirits latch on females more often than males?

For these spirits, females seem to be easier to possess over than males, though possessing a male host is possible, its just more rare.

If the host dies or gets injured will the spirit leave them?

This very much depends on what sort of bond the spirit and human have. If the human got injured/died, spirit who had a very close bond with their host, will die along with them. While on the other hand, if the spirit doesn't really care about their host well being, they would probably leave them and posses someone else.

Can the spirits talk?

Yes they can, though its up to them if they want other humans/spirits to hear them.

Besides being carnivores, do these spirits eat other things?

It is not necessary for them to eat, since they do get everything that they need from their host. They 'eat' because they can and nothing can really stop them from doing so. Flesh and meat is usually their favourite thing to comp on, though they can eat other things like objects, bones etc..

What are their relationship with the host?

Just like us humans, Spirits come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. So relationship may depend on both the spirit and human.

Does the host develop any abilities other than traits?

It only makes sence that these spirits would have some sort of a super natural power. And also if their host has more than 2 spirits each of them can have a different power (since they are different spirits after all)

The source does come from the spirit, so the host might not be able to control the powers well (then again in some rare occasions some humans can control the powers on their first try).

Spirit that trusts the host can teach them on how to control the power. And once they prove themselves, the host has complete freedom to use that power. Though they must be aware of the spirits energy, the more they use it, more exhausted the spirit gets. It may also vary on how strong that spirit is, which means the weaker the spirit = less energy