The Multiversal Canvas
The multiversal canvas comprises of every single creation that belongs to me, in which there are many storylines that run by themselves or intertwine together. The center focus of this story is the Steampunk storyline, and the troubles that ripple from its depths into every other pond around.

Deals were meant to be made, it was just the way things were. Like most universes, it started with a bang, and the collapse of the creator who made it all. Split into a billion pieces, the creator fell into fragments with varying levels of self awareness and power, along with different settings to store them in. These bubbles house all sorts of different beings, all able to communicate with each other and exist peacefully.

But all bubbles pop.

And what is but a hundred years to an immortal being?

The Steambubble was home to many who weren't part of the initial panic, unaware of the rise and collapse of communication between all sorts of bubbles not but 500 years ago. When their fragment became aware of the aftermath at the very least, they would begin to go over plans of fixing it all, making it back to the peaceful era of what they'd only heard about. Like in any story, however, there are some who are set on making sure that never happens.

Protagonist Main Character He/Him Human

A simple patrol rookie trying to survive the horrors of the blank canvas.

Protagonist Negotiator He/They/It Fragment

One of the few self aware fragments left, and one who shouldn't be trusted.

Deuteragonist Gatekeeper She/Her Fragment

A gatekeeping fragment set on seperating and containing bubbles, Sol's twin fragment.

Deceased Former Gatekeeper She/They Fragment

The former gatekeeping fragment who passed during the initial panic, Luna's twin fragment.

Catalyst Antagonist He/They/It Fragment

The catalyst, the one behind it all.

Protagonist She/They Fragment

Wandering fragment trying to find their memories.

Antagonist Conqueror She/He Fragment

A cyberpunk pirate working with Key.


A city of wonder and a place where dreams begin. Nested between the ocean and a mountain, Coppergate is an exceptionally protected steampowered population.

Character icons by Xiaelite
Map from Watabou Map Gen.