
Hiya! have you ever lost a plushie and just wish you could have it again? well plushkins is the right place for you! we are a factory that makes plushies for people who will treat them nicely! come get in line and pick a base for your new stuffed friend today!.


this plushie may contain a life force. Do not mistreat your plushie. plushie may become violent. if plushie becomse violent we are not at fault!


Some plushies may attack on site proceed with caution.

Current Event


We are hosting a free myo event!! just to get us started back up!! ENDS 6/30/2023.



Myo rules
Do not make your own myo if you have not been givin permision. You can get myos from myo offering, Events, or trading. Our myos curently arent worth money so they CAN NOT be sold for money. If you trade away your myo please reply to your myos masterlist so we can update it!


one day a little girl had a plushie that she loved dearly.she named the plushie riku she took the plushie everywhere with her no matter where it was she had outfits for every day of the week and so much more!! they always played and had tea partys, the plushie was always there for her when she cried and made her happy again! they spent years together! she was always so gentle with her so she never ripped.

till one day they went on a trip and the stuffie got misplaced in an airport and got taken by a child who was not as gentle and nice with the plushie like the girl was. The child would tear the plushie apart and replace it with parts to other plushies. The child then one day threw the poor plushie away and the plushie sat alone for so long until one day she decided that she will be her own friend and formed herself into a humanoid version of herself and added lots of plushies to her body so her didnt feel alone. but that wasnt enough she though she needed more, so she made a factory that created plushes and she gave them life by showing them all the love she could!

She calls them Plushkins and they have two forms a plushie and a humanoid/anthro form. they can go from each whenever they please and use their plushie form to find a kind child who will love them!



This is Riku!! she is the main mascot.She is a total sweetheart!


This is Taz!! She is one of the mascots!! She is a little trouble maker!!


This is Kitt!! he is one of the mascots!! he is a pirate plushkin:D.


Meet Milly!! She is one of the npcs!.