How to Earn Tails

Tails can be earned in many different ways, some are given out randomly every 3 months for users who have been with us for a while.


Prompts: Prompts are the number 1 most common way to get Tails. You can usually get them by writing 100 words or more, or by doing a rough sketch or something of higher quality. Both have to match what the prompt is, however, or you won't get anything out of it.

Giveaways: Owners or Admins can occasionally do giveaways for high amounts of Tails, or sometimes even Heads. All you have to do is join in to get a chance to earn them!

Staff Drops: Official staff members can do first come first serve prompts that have 100 or more Tails as a reward, you have to be the first to finish the prompt, though! They can also host raffles.

Staff Payment: Staff get all of the real currency from adopts that they've sold. If it's $50 USD or under. All adopts must be for $50 or under to keep things fair for everyone. If they've done an extra good job, an admin or an owner may sneak a few Tails into their balance.