Oristellae Notes (18/11/2023)

Oristellae are made of a wish + a dying star.

* You must declare your wish.

Once formed together you get a dormant egg.

* Egg Design usually takes colours and patterns from final design.

When the Oristellae is needed to furfill a purpose, the egg will hatch. The Oristellae will take their place at their needed purpose and their form will shift to assist them with it. Oristellae mature slowly, specifics are designated by the type (or class) of Oristellae.

Oristellae work long but invisible jobs, usually associated with keeping the peace or natural order of the universe. They never get re-assigned another job/purpose, but instead live the rest of their life on a 'Joy ride' throughout the universe and experience it's wonder. This is known as the 'shooting-star' stage.

Oristellae do not die or reproduce, but when they are satisfied with life, they journey to the great wishing well to sacrifice themselves, their heart, and their good, joyful memories back into the well. The Ceremony of the Last Wish, as it is called, is meant so that other Oristellae can be born again from the well. It is forbidden for other races or Oristellae that have not reached their life's peak to look into the well, but the glow from the bottom is so bright that naut could be deciphered if so.