Hi, this is my main story world. I created this world just to story the characters in and sort them into their locations. This story has been a wip since 2018, and I've been working on it for fun.


Earth is now forgotten, Vidurn is now. Vidurn is the world set thousands and thousands of years after human-kind is erased. The world is now inhabited by all types of creatures, big and small that now live in the remains of human architect. As well as gods and demi-gods rule over the land and keep laws in place.
Vidurn is a huge country located on Earth, years after human life. Vidurn is made up of a huge connection of villages and holds all sorts of creatures different and alike. 67609589_N00966paJg8FEgN.png
  • I use this story world mainly for drawing.
  • I do plan to do some writing when I have the motivation to.
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