The world is dying.

The selfish machinations of mankind have left the earth on its final breaths. Society has been ravaged by war, devastating climate change, plague, and the ultimate destruction of what once represented life - humanity as a whole faces extinction, and armageddon looms close on the horizon. What remains of mankind are nothing more than savage vultures, fighting tooth and nail for the pitiful scraps left behind by their more fortunate forefathers. Entire countries have been reclaimed by the tides, cities wiped off the face of the planet by nuclear devastation and generations extinguished in the blink of an eye. There is no hope. There is no future. The era of the human race draws to an end.

But not yet.

Some still seek to persevere where others have failed. Where there is death, there is rebirth. When one soul dies, another takes its place. Such is the way it is, and such is the way it has always been. Perhaps the eternal cycle might need a bit of a helping hand this time, but not all the inhabitants of this ruined earth will go gently into that good night. There must always be a way to carry on. The flesh may be replaced with metal, the brain with circuitry, the mind with artificial data and memories that never were - evolution through unprecedented means. If nature can no longer be relied upon, then let them take their fates into their own hands. The cycle must continue.

The era of the human race is indeed over; one must end for another to begin. Now is the dawn of genesis. The world will be revived. From the ashes, it will be rebuilt again...and better than ever before.