
Where adventures are started and ended

  •  What it all is 

    Dead Adventurers is a fantasy role playing game that focuses on RP, creativity, and quick thinking. It uses 2D6 to determine outcomes of moves, but often RP and creative approaches to problems can add or subtract from these dice rolls. This world is not just combat focused. There will be puzzles, politics, and problems that need solving. It's up to you on how you go about solving them.
  •  How it all starts 

    When you play this game you will be making an adventurer who is interested in entering the dungeon, or was interested in it at one point. The easiest way to jump into the story is to be an adventurer that tried to decent into the dungeon, and was, inevitably killed. Were you a lone warrior from hundreds of years ago that traveled across continents to enter the dungeon and get what you have been wanting for so long? Did something tragic happen in your life and seeking the wish is the only way you know how to solve the problem? Are you just a normal dude looking to descend into the dungeon not for the wish, but for the fame and fortune? Of course, if you wish to have your character join Dead Adventurers another way, just talk to the DM and we can figure something out.
  •  Where it all starts  

    Timbran is a small town that has been built up on top of the ruins of an ancient city. It’s thought that this ancient city was built around the mysterious dungeon that is now Timbran's main attraction. As mostly a tourist attraction or novelty view, the dungeon attracts people from all over. There are rumors that the dungeon has a mystic spirit at the bottom that will grant any wish imaginable. It's this vague rumor that has attracted the attention of adventurers looking to find the answer to all their problems. The dungeon is dangerous and the city has put restrictions on entry to the place. Anyone may enter, they just need to prove that they are qualified. People often enter the dungeon to never return, or come back beaten and bruised. Only a few adventurers have been in and out, and they are well known in the town, praised for their skills and bravery. There is plenty of treasure in the dungeon, either left by the ancient civilization, defeated adventurers, or mystical creatures. Those that make it back out of the dungeon often bring rare and powerful items with them, loot from the mysterious place. Accounts from adventures that have returned are never the same. Some speak of ferocious monsters, others of mind blowing puzzles, and some of lost spirits seeking rest or revenge.
  •  What comes next 

    To start, you need a character. Use a concept that interests you, someone you think you could immerse yourself in and understand, so as to best play them. There are several "classes" you can start with, which are just a framework for you to fill in with the finer parts of your character. They could inspire you or you could embellish them. The character "classes" are a framework and there is room to stretch or change them to fit your ideas. Of course, if you wish to have a different kind of character in Dead Adventurers, just talk to the DM and we can figure something out.
  •  Heather   Water Mage 

    Heather is an ambitious your girl, with big plans and even bigger dreams. As the Mayor's daughter she has access to the resources to make those dreams come true. The your Water Mage was the one that started up Dead Adventurers adventuring group, and she takes care of management, finances, and organization. Its an ambitious project for a girl her age, and she has decided to tackle the project with everything shes got.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.

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