Hells misfits

Put your story synopsis here. Nam mollis arcu id porta scelerisque. Aliquam a velit sit amet magna eleifend hendrerit et at nibh. Fusce nisl libero, elementum pharetra dolor non, consequat venenatis turpis. Nulla ut laoreet augue, eu faucibus libero. Quisque eget tempus lectus. Curabitur placerat neque et eros dapibus pellentesque. Nam sit amet tempus diam, in hendrerit ex. Mauris vel magna eleifend, lacinia odio quis, eleifend dolor. Morbi vitae arcu ut turpis elementum hendrerit vitae vel massa. Fusce aliquet quam sed ante viverra laoreet. Sed sodales odio a pellentesque suscipit. Cras aliquet sit amet leo a laoreet. Mauris sed nisi tristique, molestie odio quis, aliquam enim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.



First gate keeper of hell

This is Araziel and he is one of the gate keepers of hell. They greet the souls and sort them to their proper places and make sure no one gets lost or cause troubles. Around Araziel everyone feels relaxed due to their soft colors in this scary surrounding. They are a calm entity but can get really mad if you mess around



Second gate keeper of hell

This big Boi is called Polophos. They are the exact opposite of Araziel. They are the second gate keeper of hell. While Araziel helps the lost souls to stay on the path and has a calming and soothing aura due to his colours, Polophos tries to get the souls away into the deeper, colder side of hell. His aura causes fear and terror whenever he is near. It let's a shiver run down your spine when he looks at you and his tail shows you your worst nightmares. He sees the evil in the people and lures them to their own trial.



Left beast of the throne

Acro is one of the two creatures sitting beside the throne of the leader (aka satan) they are simolizing fear, terror, oppression, hate and anger. One of his statues is by the entrance of the castle and one is forming half of the entrance gate to hell. They cause all the things they are simbolizing at the same time while looking through you. They feast on fear and nightmares as well as traumatas



Right beast of the throne

this big boi is called Kareso and he is the second beast sitting besides the throne of satan. One of his statues is by the entrance of the castle and one is forming half of the entrance gate to hell. He is a hostile and agressive creature. Trying to instantly rip apart the soul that comes too close to the throne. He's pacing around the castle grounds trying to catch an unlucky soul. Usually souls can't bleed but when he is around and ripping them apart they bleed and see the moment they died again and again, cause terror to run through them.



Hells judgement

This löng Boi is called Niveto and they are the judge of hell. Deciding rather if souls are pure enough to go to elysium, if they are bad enough to land in the fields of endless pain or if they are nothing and have to wander over the fields of the restless. They are a fair judge and know what they are doing. They can be friendly or aggressive based on how souls act.


Birds of hell

The birds of hell

They are more than one. They are like birds in hell. Their colours variate depending on their age and gender. They are mostly common in the heaven like part of hell. They feast on happiness and pomegranates. They are really friendly and get pretty close to the souls. They get extremely mad if you hurt one of their kind and make you suffer a bunch (like the chickens from zelda).

Green, yellow and purple are males, from young to old

Teal or blue, orange and red are female from young to old



"Put a quote relating to lore here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Describe your lore here. Aenean convallis sagittis mauris, et scelerisque tortor accumsan vel. Quisque tempor sed lorem quis pellentesque. Pellentesque eget sem dui. Etiam interdum suscipit nunc in vulputate.

Quisque pharetra lacinia diam, accumsan euismod risus tempus nec. Cras volutpat, tellus ac fermentum ultrices, urna nibh sodales ex, et finibus ligula quam eu diam. Fusce dui eros, bibendum ultricies dui a, viverra feugiat elit. Sed quam lectus, ullamcorper eget tempus ac, pharetra at velit.

Code by AviCode