

Hirachet can grow extra large fangs either from the top of bottom jaw that stick out of their mouth. The tongue is forked like a snake, and can be any color of the same hue as the inside of their mouth/gums.

Their head and cheeks can be furred, feathered, or scaled. They can have a full head of hair, or just a tuft. Their manes can be fur, feathers, or a mix of the two.


Ears are always a diamond shape, even if they grow short, long, flopped, feathered, fluffy, curled, or folded. They also may not have any ears at all, but this is uncommon.

Inner ear can be any color(s).


Hirachet have vertical pupils that are always black, or a color that is close enough to black to appear that way.

Their iris and sclera can be any color except pure black, pure white, or pure gray. Basically, if the RGB values are all the same number, it isn't allowed. Off-tones of black/white/gray are fine.


Hirachet can have one set of whiskers on the upper part of their head, and one set on the lower part. There are only 4 combinations, which are shown above.

Whiskers should be drawn approx. the same length as shown. They can be any color, but whiskers all must be the same one, solid color.


Their long bodies can be their normal smooth skin, or be covered in thick fur, feathers, scales, or a mix.

The scaled parts, if they have them, can be any color, and doesn't follow the same loose rules of desaturation as other colors on their bodies.


Limbs can be bare, or be covered in thick fur, feathers, scales, or a mix. Scaled bits can be any color, same as the body.

Claws can be any color(s).


Tail is long, usually as long as the body, generally only seen shorter if due to an injury. Tail normally has a tuft of fur at the tip of it, but can also be seen with a feathered or scaled tip.

Scales on the tail can be any color.


Horns are a more uncommon feature, but are not unheard of. Sometimes a hirachet will grow small horns that never grow taller than their upper set of whiskers. Horns can also be curled under their ears, facing forwards or backwards, etc.

Horns can be any color.


Markings are very freeform, and can be just about anything you want. Blobs, patches, spots, stripes, diamonds, squares, stars, hearts, are just a few examples.

More detailed explaination of coloring guidelines here!