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"Thalam was a young hirachet who had made a name for himself aboveground as an esteemed author ... Perhaps what he thought he saw was just his overactive mind, perhaps it was really there; whatever it was, it spurred him into action, warning friends and family alike to escape, that there was no hope for them if they stayed on the surface ... The ones who didn't listen were never heard from again."

Hirachet are an original species made by SnowyFool! The hirachet are currently endangered, and a bit of a mystery to the rest of the world. They have lived in their tunnels underground for generations; ever since something terrible happened to the world above them, they have been too afraid to leave their tunnels.

Only recently has a young hirachet by the name of Ramona ventured outside of their safe, familiar city to prove that the outside is safe, and that there was never any threat to begin with.

You do not need to get a character manually approved to make a hirachet. Check the pages on the side for more in-depth info that could be useful for character creation, but isn't really necessary for making a character! And have fun!


  1. Please don't intentionally look for loopholes in character design. If you are unsure if your idea is legal, message SnowyFool and ask! Maybe we can come up with a compromise!
  2. You do not need to ask for permission to make a hirachet!
  3. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'd be happy to answer!
  4. This is a MEAN-FREE zone. Be nice to eachother. This is all just for fun

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