The Amararie universe

The Universe + Elemental Demons were created by Smiledemon69

!! All the content that will be mentioned here originates from the webtoon "Perfection - at all cost", made by Smiledemon69. This world is a place where canon and non-canon/fan characters are stored. Do not steal, copy, trace or heavily reference any of the content mentioned, as well as any of the characters that are part of this world. Please read everything carefully when interested in joining this world by creating fan characters. !!

"They call us Elemental Demons. We were created by gods to colonize and protect the world they created. In the beginning, ULTRA created 9 gods who controlled 9 elements: Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Nature, Magic, Color, Light and the element of the gods. From these 9 elements, they created us, the Elemental Demons. They gifted us immortality and the ability to control elements. Life on their world, the Amararie World, was peaceful and calm until a 10th god appeared, who called himself Aurius. With him, 2 new elements were brought into this world, Blood and Darkness. Elements with which he created Elemental Demons that should disrupt the peace of the Amararie World. They were bloodthirsty creatures that killed anything that got into their way. To lessen the damage done to their world, the gods banished Aurius, using his powers to create a place to imprison his creations. We call this place the Golden Forest. You should avoid this place." -Aiden

62847466_q1DvsmvAfWd4HHR.jpgMap by Cedric25

Elemental Demons & fan characters

Elemental Demons are a species made by Smiledemon69. They used to be a closed species, but I decided to not treat them as a separate species, but as a comic/story species only. That means, they are no longer closed and everyone is allowed to create Elemental Demons. HOWEVER, there are still rules you have to follow.

◇ follow the design/trait rules! If the design doesn't follow the rules, it isn't considered an Elemental Demon (design/trait rules can be found in here:

◇ do not claim the species nor story/lore/universe as your own, instead, credit me!

◇ your character should follow canon lore. If there shoud be any questions regarding the lore, just write a comment! I'm always ready to answer them. Else, lore can be found in my webtoon!

◇ drawing/creating NSFW content/feral porn of Elemental Demons isn't allowed! They are feral beings after all

◇ making adopts isn't allowed

◇ you are free to re-species de-specied Elemental Demons / turn ocs into Elemental Demons/fan characters

Fan characters/Elemental Demons can be shared on other social media as well! Just make sure to credit me! You can find me on Instagram @//_smile_demon_/@//smiles.dragons

You are able to create fan characters that aren't Elemental Demons, like humans too! But again, make sure that they follow the canon lore! All fan characters are allowed to interact with my canon characters! Pls avoid shipping/NSFW interactions I didn't agree to! ANYWAY, I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! ♡♡

html byCitruzy