Welcome to Twixtways Ranch official World!

Twixtways  is a single player journaling game that has options to interact with  others in it. This group is to help facilitate those interactions and share stories.  

The game is free and you can find it here

Here you may

Keep track of your progress publicly
Share your story of your twixtways rancher

Look for RP partners

trade plants & Animals

Participate in fun community events


Follow all TH rules

Keep art that is NSFW in anyway under a filter or spoiler

All plants and animals must have a visual reference to be trades or sold to other players

Plants must be potted not fields to be traded.

You cannot trade Twixtbux here at all, for reasons of fairness. However, you can trade non-currency items, such as plants, animals, objects and accesories of all kinds, building designs, and your services.

you do not need to submit characters (farmer, animal, or plant)to the group to use them or trade them