In this world there are 2 major gods The Sun and The Moon (both ambiguous with their gender but commonly both portrayed as female) 

Together they had 7 children 







And the grim reaper 

Those 7 children made earth together and humanity along with it (as well as other planets and other life forms) The "minor" gods would bless some humans with a bit of their powers 

Those who were gifted were called "blessed" (I don't have a name yet lmao so ima used that as a placeholder) 

Their forms also slightly changed 

Fire is "demonic" or lizard like 

Earth is animalistic (land ones) 

Water is fish based 

Wind is wings 

Life, Death and the Reaper don't typically bless ppl cuz they all collectively decided it would be much to chaotic in the hands of humans 

If the blessed have children with another blessed or a mortal only the physical traits would get passed down and not the powers. 

it is said that there are relics that were blessed, possessing them would give the owner the powers of the blessed.