Travelers! Welcome to the world of ElementalKin, a collab species founded by FrostedRose and fellow researchers. In here, you'll be able to see the research of other ElementalKins, and have access to lore and similar important information!

ElementalKins have many subspecies, created by each one of our awesome admins! Status may vary between them, so please make sure to check every one's availability when interested! [due to sub-species specific relations myos and adopts vary!]

You can contact our admins on here or amino, but we recommend joining our Discord for a faster response, and so you'll be able to interact with our community, buy, trade and participate in exclusive events!

We hope you enjoy your time here, dear traveler .ᐟ - ✩


10/30/19 Write some exciting news here...

##/##/## Info will be added when the occasion comes up!

##/##/## Info will be added when the occasion comes up!

##/##/## Info will be added when the occasion comes up!

##/##/## Info will be added when the occasion comes up!

##/##/## Info will be added when the occasion comes up!


Curious about our subspecies? Here's a bit of info about each one, along with a link to their owners!

FLAMEKIN created by FrostedRose
FlameKin are the original subspecies, they have flames all over their bodies. They live in warm climates. FlameKin are very energetic cats who all have a burning compassion.

WATERKIN created by Tallico
WaterKin are a variant of ElementalKin based off of water, they live in bodies of water and eat fish. Their tail and paws are made of water too.

EARTHKIN created by Tallico
EarthKin are a variant of ElementalKin that have tails and paws made of rocks! They can be anything from stone, to dirt rocks, to crystals, anything earth-esc! During the winter they hibernate, dig into the ground, and stick their tails out from the ground making a pile of rocks.

PLANTKIN created by Tallico
PlantKin are a variation of ElementalKin with plant like limbs and tails. They live in any area with plant life and need water and sunlight to survive. They make their own food as long as they have their basic necessities, so they are a very peaceful species, not needing to go to war because of hunger.

ELECTRICKIN created by Mosssycobble

SUNKIN created by frogtalon
SunKin (a.k.a. LightKin) are very focused on battling and strength. They glow and have light rings on their body. Many also have manes. They have a symbiotic-like relationship with MoonKin.

MOONKIN created by Click
Smaller than usual cats with a long tail, which holds an orb. They have spots on their bodies which glow, and some spots/holes in their bodies that dark energy comes from.

DEATHKIN created by Bear

VoidKin, the partnered overseers amongst ElementalKin; the partnered counterpart of NebuKin. Where they bring the night sky + calm mediation, VoidKin brings the world justice and judgment.

NEBUKINcreated by FrostedRose
NebuKin are the overseers of the ElementalKin, they are cats with galaxy body parts and live in the starlands. They are all very knowledgeable and are usually the mediators for the kins.


Want to become a member? We'd love to have you!
While you don't need to own an ElementalKin to join, we'd appreciate it if you filled out this short introduction form first. Just put it in the reason for joining tab and you'll be good to go!

Link to your ElementalKin, if you own one:
Other social media you're on (opt.):
Any specific reason you'd like to join?:

If you want to join our Discord, you'll have to fill in a pretty similar form. It's just so we know some important info about you to make communication easier.



  1. Can I apply to become a mod?
    We've already got a pretty full team, so we're not looking for anyone else at the moment. However, if a spot ever opens up, we'll make an announcement!
  2. Are guest/perma artist auditions open?
    Every subspecies has different artists (although you're absolutely allowed to be an artist for multiple of them), so auditions vary between each. We'll post an announcement if any species is looking for artists, make sure to keep an eye out!
  3. The Masterlist looks weird on mobile!
    We know, but we can't do anything about it, sorry :(
  4. Why hasn't my ElementalKin been added to the Masterlist?
    Give us around 24 hours after submitting your character to the world, since we can't be checking the world all the time. If someone hasn't added them to it by that time, please message us on Discord!
  5. What's the ElementalKin mascot?
    Since ElementalKin are made up of several different subspecies, we don't have a mascot for the whole species. Instead, each ElementalKin has a mascot of their own, that you can check out in their designated tab!
  6. Can I make my own ElementalKin subspecies?
    Subspecies creation is restricted to admins. However, we're always open to new ideas! Come talk with us on Discord and we'll see what we can do.



Founder - she/her


Admin - any pronouns (ask)


Admin - they/it


Admin - he/him


Admin - genderfluid (ask for pronouns)


Admin - he/him