Somerville Isles

❋ 18+ pkmn discord rp ❋

About Setting

Welcome to Somerville, a charming university town nestled in a quaint British Columbia oceanside community. But this isn't your ordinary town - it's home to a vibrant population of pokemon.

As a player in this roleplay, you'll create your own unique character and explore the rich world of Somerville. Attend classes at the university, grab a coffee at the local cafe, or simply wander the scenic streets and take in the ocean views. And of course, interact with other players and their characters, participate in events and activities within your community, forming friendships, rivalries, and maybe even romantic connections.

With so many opportunities for adventure, drama, and romance, Somerville is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and live out your wildest dreams. So grab your textbooks and join us in this one-of-a-kind roleplaying experience!

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the cast

cyprian gardner

scorpio INFJ intelligent loyal

Cyprian, better known as Ian, is the lead guitarist for the 60s psychedelic rock band The Carbuncles. Aside from being dedicated to his music, his passions also lie in classical history, the occult, traveling, and general hedonism. When not experimenting with music, he can be found locked away in his gothic victorian mansion, reading.

jamie mckenzie

cancer INFP emotional secretive

Jamie is the bassist for The Carbuncles. He grew up in the city of Blackport, as the youngest heir to a prominent crime family. While he's a musician by profession, he also takes interest in painting, poetry, historical costuming and reading gothic romances. He lives above Ian's bookshop in the city, and oversees its upkeep.

cyprian gardner

scorpio INFJ intelligent loyal

Cyprian, better known as Ian, is the lead guitarist for the 60s psychedelic rock band The Carbuncles. Aside from being dedicated to his music, his passions also lie in classical history, the occult, traveling, and general hedonism. When not experimenting with music, he can be found locked away in his gothic victorian mansion, reading.

cyprian gardner

scorpio INFJ intelligent loyal

Cyprian, better known as Ian, is the lead guitarist for the 60s psychedelic rock band The Carbuncles. Aside from being dedicated to his music, his passions also lie in classical history, the occult, traveling, and general hedonism. When not experimenting with music, he can be found locked away in his gothic victorian mansion, reading.

the setting

New Somerville

Located along the shimmering coast, the summer seaside city of Somerville offers visitors a chance to escape and enjoy the beach, carnival rides, and seafood restaurants. It's also home to Somerville University, a popular college with outstanding academic programs and a vibrant student life, making it a bustling college town. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or a taste of the good life, Somerville is the perfect summer destination for beachgoers and college students alike.


Nestled in the sprawling plains, the town of Laskill is a charming community that exudes simplicity and warmth. Surrounded by vast stretches of farmland, it's a place where nature is both friend and neighbor. The town is known for its tight-knit community, with friendly locals who are always ready to lend a helping hand. Here, life moves at a slower pace, with time for leisurely strolls through the town square, picnics in the park, and evening chats on front porches. Laskill is a place where the simple pleasures of life are cherished, and the beauty of the natural world is never taken for granted.

End Trail

On the gritty shores of the Pacific Ocean, the port town of End Trail exudes a raw, grungy energy that's sure to thrill any fan of punk rock culture. With its rundown bars, tattoo parlors, and thrift shops, End Trail is a haven for the counterculture set. The locals here are tough and no-nonsense, with a fierce independence that reflects the town's working-class roots. In the evenings, the town comes alive with the sound of live punk rock shows, as bands from all over the world make their way to End Trail's legendary venues. But End Trail isn't just about punk rock - it's also a thriving fishing port, with a bustling harbor that's always teeming with activity. Whether you're a fan of punk rock or just looking for an authentic, unpolished experience, End Trail is a must-visit destination for anyone with an adventurous spirit.

The Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam. Nulla hendrerit luctus nibh vitae varius. Donec ac magna sed diam facilisis dapibus ut at arcu. Proin massa orci, aliquet in condimentum sodales, imperdiet venenatis nibh.

Aenean ut turpis porttitor, suscipit eros eu, euismod nunc. Duis non ex ut quam condimentum viverra. Ut laoreet lorem ut mattis semper. Aliquam viverra laoreet dui in congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam vulputate, elit vitae malesuada egestas, elit mauris facilisis nulla, quis condimentum tellus nisl eget eros. Nunc pretium justo vitae mattis vestibulum. Nunc eros velit, gravida in urna a, imperdiet faucibus velit.

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum sagittis.

Sed neque lacus, semper ut augue eget, bibendum hendrerit purus. Sed pharetra aliquam ligula. Curabitur ac elementum eros. Morbi pharetra venenatis justo dictum finibus. Aliquam id neque orci. Donec placerat dui sit amet magna laoreet maximus. Proin pellentesque orci eros, ut sollicitudin tortor aliquam in.

Vivamus ac nisi id tortor hendrerit faucibus id in dolor. Suspendisse lectus sem, tristique eget blandit a, molestie non mi. Maecenas vestibulum, ante id pellentesque dignissim, urna lacus cursus risus, in sollicitudin nibh quam id mauris. Cras aliquet congue ligula non tristique. Donec et euismod nibh. Nunc condimentum dictum diam, tempor consequat dolor congue eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed eu ipsum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ullamcorper vestibulum justo quis dignissim. Nullam nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sed lectus urna. Nunc in volutpat libero, fringilla hendrerit velit. Sed vel purus eget mi mollis rhoncus. Nullam non nulla nec nisi finibus consectetur at vitae turpis.


The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.



[Late 1999] Strange people assumed to be working for the government appear in the town years after the initial investigation of The Event. The local rumor mill is trying to tie it to some Y2K conspiracy panic.
The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.



[Late 1999] Strange people assumed to be working for the government appear in the town years after the initial investigation of The Event. The local rumor mill is trying to tie it to some Y2K conspiracy panic.

content warnings

Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Contains violence in visual and written depictions. Violence may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Semi-explicit sexuality in visual and written depictions. Depictions may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Subjects such as trauma may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

RP Guide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam.


  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum.


the staff


20 they/xe founder

Were { krogers } is the founder of the world. Any questions you have about joining the world you can send a DM to their personal account.


21+ they/he/fae mod

Sozz { tadpole } is a moderator for the World. You may ping them in the server for help, headcanoning, or rp.


17 they/she/he mod

Prince { prince-desmodus } is a moderator for the world. You may ping them in the discord for help.