The Sirin

Species By CrispinAsheYA

The (Crispinverse) Sirin are an open-species/culture I made based on The Harpies / Sirin of Greek/Russian mythology. (They're both very similar.) I originally intended for "Sirin" to be a temporary name but they're still called that. They probably always will be. Too late to change it now! Instead of being based on owls, I've based them on Lahore Pigeons because I think they're pretty.

Sure, Humans-With-Wings isn't a very creative concept for a species, but I think I've got a lot of indepth culture and history written for them so I'm counting them as... Original Species Donut Steal.

Anyway, the information listed here on this homepage is merely an overview of Sirin lore and culture. If any of it intrests you, I highly reccomend you check the tabs!

Image of Lahore Pigeons.



Atosian - A Sirin historically from the Northern-Range of where the Sirin historically lived. (Modern day Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, etc)

Mycenaean - A Sirin historically from the Southern-Range of where the Sirin historically lived. (Modern day Greece, Macedonia, Crete, Serbia, Romania etc.)

Carpathian - A Sirin historically from the Middle-Range of where the Sirin historically lived. (Most commonly, the Carpathian Mountains). Much more uncommon than the above two labels.

Pre-Migration - How Sirin culture was before The Migration in 1954.

The Migration - An event in November-December 1954 where all Sirin were gathered up from Eastern Europe and sent to live in England.

Post-Migration - How Sirin culture changed after The Migration in 1954.


  • Historically from Modern-Day Greece
  • Cuisine Favours Fish
  • Larger Flocks - Less Of Them
  • Culturally seen as being more traditional


  • Historically from Modern-Day Russia
  • Cusine Favours Non-Aquatic Meats
  • Smaller Flocks - More Of Them
  • Culturally seen as being more forward thinking


  • Lived in (huts (name pending) in Eastern Europe
  • Hunter / Gatherer society
  • Traditional Sirin clothing (think Ancient Greek robes and Olive Wreathes)
  • Everyone speaks either Atosian, Mycenaen, or both
  • Traditionally named flocks (all in Atosian / Mycenaean) (IE Vorones, Noktyorn)


  • Live in South Mana (or another Magic Town)
  • Live Modern-Lives with modern luxuries and careers
  • Can wear traditional Sirin clothing OR modern T-Shirts and denim and whatever else humans wear these days
  • Can know languages outside of Sirin ones (IE English)
  • Flocks can have names inspired by another language (IE crow, black, cobalt, partridge, dove)

The Sirin are an open-species! Anyone can make one, you don't need a MYO slot.

However, Sirin can be either Approved or Unapproved. Your Sirin is valid no matter what, being "approved" just means you give me permission to cameo your Sirin as a background chaarcter in any of my books (which I do sell for real money!) if need be. (I will ask again first!)

If you want to be approved, I need to review your OC to make sure it doesn't conflict with The Pre-Established Lore. There are both pros and cons to having an "Approved" or "Unregulated" Sirin. By default, your Sirin will be Unregulated, and getting approved is completely optional.

By asking to have your Sirin OC approved, you are consenting to me cameo-ing them in my written works. You still 100% own them, it is just a cameo. If having someone basically write and then profit off of a cameo of your character makes you uncomfortable, it's better you stick to having an Unregulated Sirin.

(If you make a Sirin OC, even if you don't want me to approve them, please submit them to the world anyway! I want to see what you guys make!)

Image of Lahore Pigeons.
  • I have permission to write your OC into 1 of my books as a side/background character if I need to!
  • You must abide by the pre-established lore! (Less freedom!) (You can find the lore in the World Pages!)
  • I won't write your OC into any of my books!
  • You don't have to abide by the pre-established lore if you don't want to!(More freedom!)