Origins Isle


The world of Origin Isle takes place 158 years after the outbreak of an undead plague that infected both land and ocean. By now the “apocalypse” is simply how things are and how things have always been in recent memory. Society has warped to fit a desperate, broken world.

In the century and a half that has passed, origin species most dedicated to survival have held onto life and rebuilt their old societies from the ground up. Yet reclaiming how life once used to be was a fantasy of the ignorantly idealistic. Such fools were quickly disillusioned. Those that held white-knuckled to their convictions were cut from the equation all together. The world we now live in belongs to the syndicates.

The majority of surviving populations live in cosmopolitan cities whose very foundations are wrought with corruption. Organized crime and religion is now in the forefront of daily life. One cannot thrive in the cities without involvement in one of the many factions. There, you either join them, or die on the streets.

But perhaps there is another option—a way to escape the brutal systems put in place by those in power. Here is where Origin Isle comes into play...

The Overworld

The Overworld


Origin Isle is a safe haven from the crime-ridden cities and undead blight that scorch the rest of the world. Many have come to this place to seek refuge from their past lives. Whether they are hiding from their own sins, escaping pursuit from danger, or simply desire a new life living off the land, Origin Isle attracts a colorful array of characters. It is up to you to find those whom you can trust.

The island offers a fresh start and encourages its residents to learn how to survive by their own means. Due to its plentiful natural resources, Origin Isle is very hospitable to new arrivals, even to those that are only savvy in city life. Whether you wish to become a farmer, builder, hunter, entrepreneur, et cetera... the sky's the limit! Your life is in your hands here at Origin Isle.

Yet Origin Isle is not safe from the dangers of the outside world. Crime syndicates, illicit markets, violent cults, and more are keeping an eye on this little island. The community must work together to ensure the survival of their precious haven. Weed out those who seek to cause harm, strengthen your relationships, build a better life, and raise up Origin Isle to the glory it’s destined to attain.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Community House Town Center

Heart of the Isle and earliest historical Location. All bills & constitutions are signed and stored here, and the Isle holds council meetings semi-regularly.

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

The Nether

The Nether


What's going on with the Nether? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus diam interdum finibus ultricies. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

The End

The End


What's going on with The End? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus diam interdum finibus ultricies. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.


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