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The Curious Case of Wyrmrot

The Danse macabre


Wyrmrot is a quiet fishing village sitting at the edge of Loclam. The island is cold, rainy, and quite gloomy most days out of the year. It is home to an abundance of fungi and diseases, habilitating numerous diseases. Because of this, Loclam is under strict quarantine and seldom invites others inside without the explicit consent of governing officials.

Luckily, someone such as yourself has just that.



Code by Aurorean

Latest Bulletin

Wyrmrot Whispers

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Bunnybandaid

Wyrmrot Whispers

The Danse Macabre
A celebratory season is upon us with the arrival of the Danse Macabre just around the corner. We celebrate our mother of all plagues and every handheld in her domain of death. "Death is the true power, the great equalizer, and the lesson that waits for all." Remember masks will be handed out at the festival and dress your best.

 if you're running a stall this year, be mindful of the pigs and their trail, please contact either Myself, Syibl Nettles, or Sister Bellamy if there are any doubts. 
The Collector of Keys
Keys have been going missing all across town, if you happen to know the thief that has been taking them please contact Father Hyde, The town patrol, or the Local Caller, Foster.