
Hollow's Lore Guide

Quick Facts . . .

Playable ? Yes

How to Obtain Sales, Events, & More!

Available Tiers Standard, Mythical,
& Legendary

MasterList Link


Important Note: Hollows are a closed species, do not make your own without express permission (via events, MYO items, etc.). Users do not have the right to create their own official Hollow. Any mimics made without permission will not be admitted to the group or community. Learn more about our Closed Species TOS here.

Legend has it that the Hollows were the first spirits to enhabit the Sanctuary of Ardour and even shaped it into what it is today. These otherworldly Spirits are born from the intense emotional connections that beings from distant realms develop with an object.

Once the emotion and objects fuse, a spirit emerges within Ardour - a Hollow - a spirit that embodies the essence of that attachment.

Within the Sanctuary of Ardour, Hollows live in harmony with one another, a blend of contrasting emotions that balance each other out in a beautiful symphony. Whether bright and cheery or dark and moody, each Hollow contributes to the overall sense of equilibrium within the sanctuary.

Birth of a Hollow

Hollows are born into Ardour when a being from another realm develops a strong emotional bond to an object. When this bond is formed a Hollow is created within Ardour. The being is completely oblivious to the Hollow's existence and vice versa.

The emotion that is bonded to an object is called a 'Core' emotion. This is the strongest emotion a Hollow can feel and will often default to.

A Hollow's Object

The object a Hollow is bonded to can be anything that is not living! This includes man-made objects such as plushies or food dishes as well as nature-made items like crystals or flowers. However, the object must be reasonably sized (No buildings, no cars, etc.)
These objects can exist within Ardour as 'copies'. Each Hollow will be born with a 'copy' of their bonded object. Hollows can carry these objects around with them, stash them somewhere safe, or encase them inside a crystal-like ball for extra protection.

Hollow's Emotions & Their Mask

A Hollow's 'Core' emotion will be the main or immediate emotion a Hollow feels on a daily basis. This emotion will not only dictate a Hollow's attitude but also the primary color of its mask.

White Masks = Positive Emotions
Black Masks = Negative Emotions

A Hollow's main emotion will always be its strongest, but that doesn't mean a Hollow can't express other feelings! For example, a Happy Hollow will be a very cheery and upbeat spirit, but that doesn't mean it can't feel sadness or anger at times. In this example, once the secondary emotion washes away, the Hollow will revert back to its "default state" which is "Happy".

Just because a Hollow has a "positive" or "negative" emotion doesn't mean that it's ultimately "good" or "evil". For example, an Antagonistic Hollow doesn't have to be inherently evil. Instead, it could be a good-natured Hollow with various other feelings who struggles with Antagonistic outbursts towards strangers or uncomfortable situations. We leave the personality building up to your imagination to craft your Hollows and their exhilarating stories!

When designing a Hollow's mask be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Masks cannot have cracks or breaks and they cannot change shape to resemble another animal or object (ie. no bird beaks or elongated snouts).
  • While most masks may depict a false set of eyes and mouth, they are not functional and are strictly 'painted' on. Blank masks are also a possibility.
  • Masks can have small extrusions such as horns and tusks.
  • A mask's main color must be either black or white, it cannot be split or mixed between the two. It is ok to use black or white as an accent color as long as it does not take up more than 20% of the mask. Other colors can also be used as accents.

Death of a Hollow

Removing it's Mask

If a Hollow's mask is removed, its soul will escape leaving behind a 'vessel'. While this vessel will stay within the world until another creature finds a use for it (See creature: Husks) no one really knows what happens to a Hollow's soul once it escapes. Many choose to believe it wanders around the realm until it finds a new vessel to start a new life.

It generally takes a great deal of strength to remove a living Hollow's mask, these immortal spirits do not need to fret over their daily activities. However, beyond the safety of Lumia Village, there are malevolent creatures with enough power or magic to easily remove a Hollow's mask.

Emotional Imbalance

Hollows, by their very nature, possess emotions that are inherently strong and unstable. Without proper checks and balances, these emotions can easily spiral out of control and wreak havoc upon their very existence. To counteract this, the Hollows have an innate sociability that draws them to the company of their kind and other kindred spirits. In this way, they are able to steady one another's emotions and maintain a sense of normalcy.

However, if a Hollow is left alone for too long or is only surrounded by others with identical emotions, their primary emotion will become amplified and destabilized. When left unchecked, this can cause a dangerous feedback loop where the emotions feed off one another, rapidly spiraling out of control until the Hollow loses all sense of self.

The consequences of such instability can be dire. The Hollow may lose their very essence and perish. In more extreme cases, the Hollow's instability may mutate them into terrible creatures that bear little resemblance to their former selves.



✧ Below are traits used for Beta 01 MYOs only. ✧

An updated list of traits and rarities can be found on the website.

Must Haves

Hollows have a wide range of forms and sizes and are capable of transforming from bipedal to quadrupedal at will. Despite their diversity, there are some commonalities that the members of this species share:

  • A Mask with a visible clasp such as ties, stitches, buckles, etc.
  • Each Hollow has a special object they hold dear.
  • Ears & Arm tuffts are a must! Tuffts can take on the unique texture characteristic of a Hollow such as feathers, goo, etc.

Standard Hollow Traits

Standard Hollows must fall within the below rules & traits. They cannot pull from any other traits listed on Mythical or Legendary.

How to Obtain

  • Official Sales, Raffles, & Events
  • Standard Mask (MYO)
  • Resales from the Playermarket


  • Horns (limited to 1 set)
  • Small Halos (limited to 1)
  • Spines & Spikes
  • Lesser Wisp (up to 20% of body)
  • Wiskers & Ribbon extrusions

Available Body Textures

  • Can only have 1 texture for its body:
  • Short & Long Fur
  • Scales
  • Feathers

Mythical Hollow Traits

Mythical Hollows can take on any traits listed in Standard & Mythical. They cannot take on traits listed in Legendary.

How to Obtain

  • Official Sales, Raffles, & Events
  • Mythical Mask (MYO)
  • Resales from Playermarket


  • Unlimited Horns & Halos
  • Small wings (up to 2 sets)
  • Greater Wisp (up to 50% of body)
  • Multiple Tails
  • Plant, Crystal, & Rock Growth (up to 20% of body)
  • Sparse Bioluminescence (up to 20% of body)
  • Aquatic Traits (fins, tentacles, gills, etc.)

Available Body Textures

  • Mythical Hollows can have up to 2 textures on their bodies.
  • Plush & Fabrics
  • Sparse Slime/goo (up to 50% of Body)

Legendary Hollow Traits

Legendary Hollows can take on any trait listed in Standard, Mythical, & Legendary.

How to Obtain

  • Official Sales, Raffles, & Events
  • Legendary Mask (MYO)
  • Resales from Playermarket


  • Small Wings (Unlimited)
  • Large Wings (up to 2 sets)
  • Real & Extra Eyes
  • Bioluminescence (Unlimited)
  • Chameleon (Body can change colors)
  • Chimera (Back half of a Hollow can be replaced with other animal parts, ie. mermaid tail with no back legs.)
  • Floating (Body parts of a Hollow can detach and float around the body. Mask must still be attached to the face.)

Available Body Textures

  • Legendary Hollows can have an unlimited amount of textures on their bodies.
  • Crystal, Rocks, & Metals
  • Vapor/Gas/Smoke
  • Transparent/Glass
  • Slime/Goo

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