welcome to adopt hell

this is a world where you can submit adopts, commissions, ych, bases, and other ads to our character collection or forum.
we only have a few rules:

1. no nsfw content!
we're not gonna ban you for nipples, but genitals and obvious fetish art are going to be removed. we operate on a three strike rule for this, and you will be notified if you receive a strike.
2. credit all base/line art makers, if you're using a base or lineart. 
3. please add "open," "closed," or something like "1/3" in the title of your adopts!
this is so sold adopts can easily be removed and clear space for new ones!
4. tag flashing lights, gore, etc. in your adopts and other posts!
we don't want anyone to be caught by surprise! if you're unsure if your image needs a tag, ask on the forum under "help & questions"

if your submission got rejected it's probably because you forgot to put "open" in the title

we also have a discord!! join by clicking here!