a world i just fucking made up tbh


Menione, a world within the inner rings of the multiverse, is characterized by once-vibrant forests and prospering cities that have since taken a turn for the apocalyptic. After the corruption and subsequent Fall of many of the plane's gods, a majority of Menione's environment has deteriorated into wasteland. The scant few areas that are left standing are under the express protection of those powerful enough to keep small pockets of life alive on their own. Some, however, have chosen isolation over society, preferring to live their lives as wanderers or hermits. Uninterested in the plight of a fallen society, they believe it's far easier to be on one's own than try to survive with the masses left over.

Enter outworlders known as the Ebonguard — survivors from similar calamities that occurred on other worlds in the multiverse — whose sole mission is to save what remains before more lives are lost.

Code by Aurorean