Murderers: kills someone once every day. If there are a lot of players, I will have THREE of them. But for now, only 2 since there’s 11 people (other than me) playing. They can choose to work together if they'd like too, they'd have to dm me to ask and I’ll dm the other murderers. If murderers don’t work together, I will use a coin or a randomizer to choose who gets to choose who dies, lol

Bodyguard/Doctor: can protect someone from being killed once a day. Can protect themself, but not twice in a row. You may choose if you want to be a bodyguard or a doctor when I assign you your role. Choosing makes no difference, they both do the same thing. Just assume some prefer to be a doctor rather than a bodyguard or vice versa, y’know?

Star-crossed lovers: two people get this role. If one dies, both die.

Detective: When I DM them to ask who they think the killer is, I will tell them yes or no.

Civilian: They’re normal!! No role! Just themself :D EVERYONE does their best to pretend they’re a civilian and not any of the other roles. Civilians try to discuss who they think is the killer.