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Symmetry is no more, no less. We are the best version of ourselves when we're with you.



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The Boys

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec lacus ultricies, scelerisque massa a, aliquam urna. Donec felis turpis, ultrices vel faucibus sed, dictum ac lectus. Curabitur nec dolor augue. Sed aliquet, libero non imperdiet lobortis, nunc orci gravida purus, at gravida ipsum massa ut tellus. Praesent ante neque, tempor non lectus vel, aliquam vestibulum lacus. Fusce lacinia efficitur eros a porttitor. Nam in suscipit turpis. Maecenas interdum ex vel erat vestibulum euismod. Morbi sit amet quam a velit vehicula scelerisque.

In egestas eu ex consectetur sagittis. Mauris dapibus varius ipsum, non sagittis orci pulvinar nec. Phasellus aliquet bibendum fringilla. Phasellus faucibus nibh enim, vel semper est ultrices ut. Vestibulum nec diam eu nisi semper ultrices. Nullam nec auctor nunc, et sagittis sem. Duis quis justo quis urna gravida mollis fermentum vel est. Proin scelerisque nunc consequat lacus malesuada, ut ullamcorper mauris dignissim. Nunc id maximus ex, in tristique risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque non facilisis arcu. Maecenas sollicitudin arcu metus, a consequat nisi aliquam nec. Fusce elementum augue velit, at vestibulum velit dapibus nec. Quisque bibendum cursus est ut hendrerit.

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Your beating life under my hand tells me, "Steady, steady."


Jaehwa joins BRIGHT Ent.


David joins BRIGHT Ent.

He auditions from London at 17 years old. His audition displayed vocals, dance, and rap. He was signed with the intent of being a primary dancer.


Key joins BRIGHT Ent.

Key auditions in Japan and begins training at the agency's Tokyo location. His focus is on vocals and dance.


Jinho joins BRIGHT Ent.


Minseok joins BRIGHT Ent.

He's scouted by CEO Kong Hyeonjun himself and invited to join the agency. He brings with him a small following of fans to help kickstart the group's debut support.


QUAD test group formed

Inital members as chosen by Jaehwa are David, Jinho, and Minseok. Experimentation with sounds and dances cause Jaehwa to request the addition of two more members.


Key joins unnamed test group

Jaehwa and Jinho attend a trainee showcase at the BRIGHT Ent. Tokyo branch and notice Key. Jaehwa requests his transfer to Seoul and addition to the test group.


Sunghyun joins BRIGHT Ent.


6 member test group named N6

Fanbase given the name "Hexa." Group slogan: "Symmetry is no more, no less." Group introduction: "3, 4, 5 - Hello, we are N6."


N6 Debuts

Debut album titled "6 : SYMMETRY" with title track Zero

Live Schedule

Dance Practice Biweekly Every other week, the entire group goes live on YouTube for a dance practice session. It's a legitimate practice session, with their trainer and choreographer present with corrections and adjustments. Throughout the 1.5 hour livestream, managers will find random comments to toss out and have the boys answer between runs.

Music Production with MC Monthly Minseok hosts a very casual livestream about once a month where he works on producing music. There's some chatting, some Q&A, but mostly the hour and a half is just Miso doing something he loves to do.

Utter Chaos with David Weekly Chaotic trash monkey Jung Daesung hijacks the N6 TikTok for whatever the hell he feels like doing every Wednesday night. Sometimes it's dance performances to the comment requests, other times it's hunting down the other members just to annoy them. Occasionally, it's watching a movie or show, and a few times it's wreaking havoc as partners in crime with the maknae. The only guarantee is that David will be incorrigibly flirtatious throughout the whole thing.

Quiet Time with Jinho Random Typically on a Monday, Jinho hosts a live for studying, chilling, and just general mindfullness. Usually accompanied by his ever growing playlist of classical pieces, Quiet Time is a space for creativity and relaxation. When Jinho goes live Key also tends to make an appearance.

Title Schedule Another live description?