Ananke's Initiative




  • TYPE Anomalous Capture and Care
  • ESTABLISHED October 19th, 1924
  • STATUS Active


"I want this Initiative to mend the gap between man and ‘monster.’ I want us to reach an agreement."

In the beginning, Ananke's Initiative was made to be a force for good. It was supposed to bridge the gap between man and monster, it was supposed to make a better world. It was the dream of a dying man, and now that dream rots with him. Over the years, Ananke has twisted into something selfish, something horrible.

Ananke is no longer a force for good. In fact, it's hard to tell if it ever was. It is a selfish monster that only continues to fester as the years go on. And yet, the world depends on Ananke. It's reached the point where the two can no longer be separated. So, we're forced to live with it. Forced to live with a rotting corspe that refuses to die.

Perhaps one day, things will improve. Maybe one day, love and care will finally be enough to make change happen. But that day is not today.


Ananke was created to form an understanding between man and anomaly. Ananke's Initiative was supposed to be an olive branch, something that would lead the world to a better, brighter future. That dream died with Ananke's founder.

Currently, Ananke is solely focused on the capture and study of anomalies. Despite their beneviolent public image, the Initiative will do anything to further its understanding of its subjects. As Ananke believes that this understanding will allow it to use these anomalies for its own benefit.


Ananke's Initiative values the collective above all else.

All personnel are replacable. Innocent lives can be snuffed out as long as Ananke's public image stays in tact. The only thing that matters is control. Control over the anomalies in their custody, control over its own public image, and control over its personnel. Anything else is inconsequential.






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Suspendisse feugiat luctus nisi. Ut efficitur mi nec nulla scelerisque ultricies. Phasellus ultrices in libero in vulputate. Praesent eget diam augue.



Donec accumsan facilisis facilisis. Aenean tempus augue magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Multiple critics have cited Ananke's recruitment process as... predatory.

Because Ananke's Initiative funds countless schools and education programs, they are made aware when a student of these programs meets their requirements for a research position. Those students are sent a letter, offering them a job that could help change the world. Furthermore, Ananke also assures that the student's family will be provided for as well.

However, that is not the recruitment process that has recieved scrutiny. That would be the process for Ananke agents. The Initative will often target victims of poverty and/or abuse, typically between the ages of 18-20, and them a 'second chance.' These new recruits willl then be put through brutal training programs, without any warning or preparation. There are rumors of recruits dying during these programs, despite that nothing has been confirmed.


The facility in Arkshore is where everything started. It is the oldest and most well-known facility in the country, if not the world. It looms over the city, watching as citizens continue to suffer.

The facility functions more as a prison than a place of research. Anomalies are locked away, sometimes isolated for days on end. The personnel are also mistreated. Often blamed for tragdies completely out of their control, or their attempts to improve living conditions for both humans and anomalies are snuffed out by their superiors.

The Arkshore facility, just like the rest of Ananke, is place of stagnation rather than growth.


Despite Ananke's flagrant disregard of human life, public opinon of the Initiative is actually quite high.

The Initative has put a vast amount into mantaining its image as the public's protector. While it not only hides its misdeeds, it also demonizes the anomalies in its care, justifying their mistreatment.

Furthermore, Ananke also puts a considerable amount of money into schools and educational programs, along with donating to multiple charities. Because of these efforts, Ananke is seen as a force for good even in its worst moments.


Dr. Alysa Irving

  • AGE: 48
  • GENDER: Ciswoman (She/her)
  • RANK: Senior Research
  • MEMBER SINCE: 2002
  • STATUS: Active

Agent M. Talley

  • AGE: 48
  • GENDER: Cisman (He/him)
  • RANK: Senior Agent
  • MEMBER SINCE: 1992
  • STATUS: Active

Dr. Sien Ward

  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown

Agent Marlowe

  • AGE: 32
  • GENDER: Nonbinary (He/they)
  • RANK: Drone (Agent)
  • MEMBER SINCE: 2016
  • STATUS: Act

Agent Villa

  • AGE: 35
  • GENDER: Transmasc (He/him)
  • RANK: Leader (Agent)
  • MEMBER SINCE: 2005
  • STATUS: Active

Assistant Valentine Muridae

  • AGE: 30
  • GENDER: Queer (They/them)
  • RANK: Research Assistant Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Active

Dr. Keira Gardener

  • AGE: 61
  • GENDER: Nonbinary (They/them)
  • RANK: Senior Researcher
  • MEMBER SINCE: 1989
  • STATUS: Active

Code by Aurorean