Quality3.adventure's Bulletins

Invitation to make you own - OPEN

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by CoitiCoiti

We invite everyone to make their own characters in the world of Quality3.adventure! 

This is an open project, so anyone who wishes to participate can collaborate. We don't really consider it a "species", as characters from this story can be anything, any kind of creature that has mutated due to the now radioactive Sun.

How to make a character

-> If you want a mutant character 

Almost anything is possible! They can be animal, humanoid or any ambigous being.

There are mercenaries, scavengers, feral mutants, and mutants who live in the ruins of the old world.

Most cover their nose and mouth as there is dust everywhere in this place, so mask are common.

Magic exist, but each can only control one type of magic very specific to themselves. There are also those that don't have magic, but their physical traits still give them an advantage.

-> If you want a "normal" human character

They need to protect themselves from the Sun in some way, or they stop being human. No parts of their bodies can be exposed to the sunlight or anything highly radioactive.

Most are scared of mutants and live in places where only humans are allowed, in secluded communities.

There are some who pay to get the mutants killed, no matter how human-like they are.


  • If you create your own character for Quality3.adventure, please feel free to add them to our World!
  • You can also add already existing characters of yours, for this world to be an AU version of them.
  • You can draw the three mod characters or NPC, but dont claim them as your own. They can interact with your character.
  • You can write, roleplay, draw and make comics situated in this universe with your own characters.
  • If you make anything in this universe please credit this page or the DA group.
  • This is not a closed species, anyone can join, there are no MYO tickets.

The Quality3.adventure universe

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by CoitiCoiti

The World

Quality3.adventure takes place in a world where the Sun started to emit radioactive waves from unknown reasons, causing most people to die, some started living in hidden places to escape the radioactive rays and others mutated and became resistant to the radiation.

These mutants are the only ones that can live in the outside world, and the ones that haven't had their mind fried by the radiation usually work as scavengers or mercenaries. Sometimes even taking work from the anonymous "two-faced" governor, who wishes to eliminate all mutants.

The mercenaries kill mutants in exchange of goods from the governor or other interested buyers and also to harvest materials from them, such as medicine, to be used on rituals, for food, etc. They hunt mutated animals most of the times, but in some cases mutant humans too, the ones that have become too savage, uncontrollable, and dangerous to be let astray.

The Environments

Almost everywhere you can find a fine dust that is easily transported with the breeze, which is very annoying and can hurt the respiratory system if breathed in too much. This dust covers along with sand and dirt many ruins of the past society before the cataclysm, so in most places the peaks of old buildings can be seen poking out of the ground.

There are also many deserts with little vegetation and volcanoes has become common, pools of lava can also be found.

But there are also all sorts of biomes you can usually find in the normal world, only that with mutants lurking around.

The Clothing

Most cover their faces, or at least the nose and mouth with masks, scarves, handkerchiefs, etc. to protect themselves from the dust and in some cases to hide their identities, as many must commit crimes to survive.

Apart from that they can wear almost anything they want, and what they are able to find, as making new clothes isn’t a very popular job.

The Mutants

There are many kinds of mutants, they can have all sorts of traits not usually found in normal humans. Having animal traits is fairly common, also extra limbs or a melted look on their skin can be seen. In other cases, there are animals that have got human characteristics, like manners, speech, or more human-like intelligence.

The mutants cover a spectrum from having become feral and lost consciousness of themselves to being more civil and maintain a docile behavior.

The more savage ones usually roam around, causing mayhem, stealing and attacking both humans’ settlements and the ones of other mutants. There are also those who have become reclusive, hiding in dark places to not be found. And there are others who try to live in society, using the ruins or making their own camps, they live helping each other and trying to bring some kind of structure to their daily lives.

Lastly are the mercenaries, who usually have to maintain some sort of sanity to work at this, but at the same time have a lack of morals, as the job is brutal and merciless.

The Mercenaries

They are mutants who take jobs of hunting and killing other mutants, both animal and human. Most take these jobs from the Two faced governor, an anonymous patron.

The Scavengers

These are mutants who live of picking up scraps, sometimes from the ruins and other times from what the mercenaries leave behind after their hunts.

The Humans

To maintain their humanity, they need to avoid the rays of the Sun, the first choice tends to be to live underground, sometimes reusing old mines for this. Others live in big apartments complexes with no windows. 

They seem to have a strong fear towards mutants, as sometimes mutants attack their settlements, so is hard for them to believe that there are good mutants.

The Two-Faced governor

The anonymous patron of the mercenaries, he finances the hunts and pays for their service, but very little. He swears to be human and wishes to exterminate all mutants, including the mercenary ones, but is easier to let them kill each other with their missions.

Special mutants

These are mutants that have been here since the beginning, who are very strong and difficult to kill, known to most, one of them being The Giant.


The Prison

The last attempt to maintain the order of the old society, a giant structure standing tall in the middle of a vast desert, with 20 floors over the ground any many more under. There, countless who have committed crimes are imprisoned, more than half of them being mutants. This prison is overcrowded with not enough guards in relation, and people try to escape from there daily. 

At the beginning anyone who broke the law would end up in there, but now due to the lack of space only the ones who committed really heinous acts are imprisoned there, if the mercenaries don’t get to them first.

The Hospital

A medical facility for mutants who treats everyone for free, this seems too good to be true, but shady things happen behind their doors. Anyone who actually knows what really is going on in there wouldn't ask for their help.

The Hotel

An enormous hotel with lots of rooms, hallways, and spaces where many different and strange activities happen. Some only spend a little time there on a visit, while others seem to never leave and have forgotten how life is outside, maybe they don’t even know how to get out. Many here seem to be addicted to telling lies and making things up, the ones that stay too much time there start to say their actions out loud before doing them. There is also a group of adults who act like babies and give themselves for adoption.

The Hotel is near The Hospital, if they are or not related in any way is unknown.

Pools of Lava

A place in the middle of the desert with extensive pools of lava, most visible during the night. Here some go looking for warmth in the cold days, discard stuff that cannot be disposed of anywhere else, and from time to time, there are fireworks festivals.


A hidden place, the original pourpose of these extructures is unknown, but nowdays, only the most fearless (or stupid) mercenaries would dare to get in there. In these tunnels you can find some of the most agressive mutants, such as the collective of fused snakes.