
Entirety in Eternity

Omnia was born from nothing when a semi-sentient force called The Continuum came to be. There's no known reason this happened. The Continuum is the source of all life in Omnia and has the ability to create universes, that from the outside appear as bubbles. Its goal is to create a universe with eternal life, to find out why life exists and what its true meaning is. It's the only question it cannot answer. Omnia is made of three realms; Time, Space and Force. The Stream of Time is a giant river of progression that takes universe bubbles towards their end. At the end is the Void; the end of ends. The Realm of Space encompasses everything that is and gives a place for things to exist. The Force Field is an unseen realm, existing alongside Time and Space and influencing what happens to the inhabitants within them.

Immortal universes are home to truly immortal beings, past mortals and lost souls. They inhabit worlds outside the Time Stream and, as a result, are unaffected by time completely. The two major immortal universes are The Overworld and The Underworld, which are similar to the concepts of Heaven and Hell. The Overworld is a land among the clouds, filled with marble buildings and infinitely tall pillars. It's ruled by Queen Lux; a ruthless and cold leader who only wants whats best for herself. The Underworld is a land bathed in lava and set in stone. It's ruled by Tenebris, who took a more technocratic approach to his world. He's quiet but observant and considers Omnia sacred. Similar to most mortal lore, souls end up either in The Overworld or The Underworld. The only truly immortal beings are the ones that have been there from the start; those who possess immortal Cores.

Cores are what keep immortals existing, and exist themselves both in the Realm of Space and the Force Field. They appear physically as a crystalline heart with colours that reflect the owner. For example, Lux's Core is white and Tenebris's is black. They're the only two to possess such shades. These Cores have the ability to reform when the owner sustains too much physical damage. Each immortal has a podium their Core returns to when it needs to regain energy. The time it takes to restore differs from person to person. A mortal that's entered an immortal life has what's called a Turned Core. These Cores don't have podiums but allow the owner to regenerate immediately. As a result they have no value to the likes of Bandits. However, mortal cores don't regenerate and have a lot more potential, and as a result are considered the most valuable Cores. They turn almost as soon as the owner dies but there's a small window where someone with the right skills could retain it's mortal properties.

The allure of mortal Cores caused a lot of issues for The Continuum when a group of rebels called Bandits decided to raid the mortal universes for as many Cores as they could get their hands on. Although they couldn't keep any before they turned, The Continuum needed a way of stopping the attacks and keeping the mortal universes safe. Both the Legion of the Immortals and Shin were created. The Legion consists of the leaders of most immortal universes and hold meetings with The Continuum on a regular basis to discuss different matters within Time and Space. Shin came to be known as True Justice Incarnate; one being to stop all conflict. The Continuum created her itself by piecing together what it believed a true mediator would look and act like, but didn't consider that she might not be able to handle it.

Shin's mind split in half, leaving her connection with Time and Space in two distinct forms. Time went to Megami, Goddess of Time. She took on the form of an angel, with long blonde hair, a halo and a severe lack of shoes. Space went to Tensei, Space Incarnate. They took the form of a demon with short red hair, horns, wings and a barbed tail. 

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