
Welcome to Homestuck Hub! Homestuck Hub is a group intended to serve as a "hub" for anyone interested in Homestuck and its related works, canonical or fanmade! We welcome all sorts of Homestuck OCs, and don't care if it complies with canon or not. This is a Cringe Culture-free space, or at least we aim to make it so!

Homestuck Hub is a space where people can do all sorts of things-- Talk about their characters, swap around AUs or Headcanons, roleplay, share art... you name it! Just hop into the forums, submit a character, and, most importantly, have fun! All we ask is you follow our rules, which are as follows below:

  1. Show the same respect you'd expect to be given when interacting with others.
  2. Do not bash others' characters. They have a right to do whatever they'd like with them, as long as it's not harmful.
  3. Do not post NSFW art or have NSFW RPs within the forums. Make sure any NSFW art on your character's profiles are properly tagged.

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