

Hello, and welcome to The Leptofluff Beach!

This is a species made by Wolfboykaito

This species is basically leaoprd/cat like with feathered fluff in most areas aswell as wings, they have fins on the legs and back to help swim well. They are known for there feathers, wings and fish like features, aswell as there ability to swim underwater without having to come up to breathe airand water cannot be absorbed into there feathers.

Icarus, the strong leptofluff god, he was the first leptofluff to come into this world, he is what created the species and continued to let them coexist on earth. He knew they deserved a chance to grow and make many friends and family’s. So he brought them to there own safe haven to exist and create life of there species, Icarus enjoyed watching them grow and live happy lives.

Leptofluffs are just leapords with feathered fluff and wings aswell as aquatic feature but can be mutated by the power of potions created by the one and only potion keeper moonlight. Usally those leptofluffs have a hard time swimming and catching fish so that is why they live in cave near ponds connected to rivers, but leptofluffs who can swim live on beaches near the ocean to colllect fish. They grow sorta similar to a frog, they start as an egg, turn into a baby cat with only front legs and there tail slowly then growing by age to adulthood where they have both back legs so they can get out of the water! They are born with wings and feathers. Fluffs natural habitats are mainly forest grounds with the ocean or rivier nearby for fish supply, there diet mainly consists around fish only.

Primrose is the first leptofluff to be created by icarus, icarus was originally created by mankind, they did experiments on him originally but he escaped to create a new world of his species. Leptofluffs. Welcome to Leptofluff Beach.



02/06/23 Valentines Day Myo Event.

02/23/23 Start of the Offical Leptofluff World.

03/02/23 🌸 Spring Guest Artist Applications Open! 🌸

03/12/23 ⭐️ Fto Invite Event ⭐️

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Leptofluff Of The Week












Latest Bulletin

April Mod Breeding!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Leptofluffs

This will be done different than before!

To participate in this month’s monthly breeding you must read all mods tos and prices!

then use this form below! (Or use our ticket system to use this form!)

User on Discord:



Design tos: https://phophotos.carrd.co
Prices: 25-35$/2.5-3.5k DA pts
Design examples: https://toyhou.se/phopho/created


Design TOS:
-Please ask before redesigning
-Do not complain about the design, if you heavily dislike it please take it up with me privately
-Overall just be nice through my design process

Prices: USD voucher ($10+) > Da Pts (1k+) > Fish (5k+)

Examples: https://toyhou.se/Otterlyzen/created


Design Tos:
Do not sell for more than what it’s worth. Do not redesign without coming to me first. Don’t go over the art without permission. Do not claim designs as yours. Do not copy, heavily inspire, reference the designs. (No carrd atm).
Prices: 20-80$ Usd Cashapp / 2,000-8,000 Da Points / 2,000-8,000 Fish
Design Examples: https://toyhou.se/Wolfboykaito/created


Design tos: please wait at least a week to sell the design, re-designs r fine as long as they r recognizable, -ls don’t sell for more then u got them for!
Prices: 5-10$ usd>art
Design/art examples: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/906027903689556009/1093357215978618930/IMG_5159.png

Make sure you know who your breeding and if your using someone elses fluff with yours that you have and ask for permission to use them!

Will all be chosen on April 10th