Blood & 'Shine

 I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
And I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all.

basic summary

The time of outlaws, the time of gunslingers and the Wild West, has seen the sun set upon it, as progress and industrialization continue to usher in a new age for a nation still mending from a catastrophic division. While some corners of the states are becoming beacons of progress, with cobbled streets and factory smokestacks staining the sky black, others are still trapped in the mindset of old, and resist change with an iron will. Other stretches of land remain as God intended, untouched by man and flourishing in the beauty bestowed by Mother Nature herself, in all her power and her grace.

Despite this, change is an ever present and ever growing force, never stopped but only slowed in it's completion, which sees most of the states in a tumultuous period where old is traded for new, and the goal is to survive. Criminal gangs and bands of "outlaws" still exist in the fringes, keeping in the woods or along the edge of towns where they can't truly be touched, but remaining an ever present notion and making travel difficult. Some of these gangs exist only to indulge depravity, and target anyone they please to torment and carry out their sadistic fantasies.

Another sort of seediness has started to spread its roots in cities and more populated areas, disguised as wealth and the power that accompanies status. The Devil wears a suit and tie, bumping elbows with politicians at fancy soirees and pulling the strings to puppeteer lawmakers in their favor. Businessmen with their cold smiles and fancy rings, who fund the wave of progress and reap the benefits from those not as fortunate. But some of these high status individuals are certainly... different. Teeth that seem a bit too sharp, or eyes that might seem like they reflect light... the same as an animal's does. There is more than just money at play, some unspoken rule that there are names that carry a much heavier, much different weight, and God himself can't help you if you cross them wrong.

Despite this, there  are those who seek simplicity, living off of the land away from the mess created by these conflicts, close knit communities where everyone knows everyone else, and generations grow and enjoy their ways of life. There is a deep respect for the earth and her bounty, and in certain towns, there are those who know of the old magic that flows beneath the soil, and the presence of those beyond our comprehension. The presence of the Other, of haints and beasts and the sound of your name called from the deep woods late at night that causes the hair on your neck to stand tall. Things that have existed in these trees and under these mountains long before man, and will continue to exist long after man has gone.

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the cast

cyprian gardner

scorpio INFJ intelligent loyal

Cyprian, better known as Ian, is the lead guitarist for the 60s psychedelic rock band The Carbuncles. Aside from being dedicated to his music, his passions also lie in classical history, the occult, traveling, and general hedonism. When not experimenting with music, he can be found locked away in his gothic victorian mansion, reading.

jamie mckenzie

cancer INFP emotional secretive

Jamie is the bassist for The Carbuncles. He grew up in the city of Blackport, as the youngest heir to a prominent crime family. While he's a musician by profession, he also takes interest in painting, poetry, historical costuming and reading gothic romances. He lives above Ian's bookshop in the city, and oversees its upkeep.

cyprian gardner

scorpio INFJ intelligent loyal

Cyprian, better known as Ian, is the lead guitarist for the 60s psychedelic rock band The Carbuncles. Aside from being dedicated to his music, his passions also lie in classical history, the occult, traveling, and general hedonism. When not experimenting with music, he can be found locked away in his gothic victorian mansion, reading.

cyprian gardner

scorpio INFJ intelligent loyal

Cyprian, better known as Ian, is the lead guitarist for the 60s psychedelic rock band The Carbuncles. Aside from being dedicated to his music, his passions also lie in classical history, the occult, traveling, and general hedonism. When not experimenting with music, he can be found locked away in his gothic victorian mansion, reading.

the setting


Located on the far west of New Austin near Gaptooth Ridge, Tumbleweed is a town on the decline, a ghost town that the railway doesn't reach and a hostile presence from both local bandits as well as the residing sheriff's hard sense of justice. With most of New Austin afflicted with past sickness epidemics, there are very few people interested in moving out into the deserts, and those living there have either been there for generations or are running with a rough crowd that's decided to settle out where it's harder to find them, among hostile terrain where the howling of animals carries... an unnatural eerieness.


Armadillo is seated in the Cholla Springs region of New Austin, and was lucky enough to get the railway that was not extended to Tumbleweed. This has been enough to keep Armadillo at the very least active, but it is still harrassed by local gangs and is currently dealing with a mass outbreak of scarlet fever that has caused many to flee and contributed a mass of casualties. The saloon, however, is still open to visitors, though it will only serve drinks, and the train still regularly runs through to keep businesses going.


Strawberry serves as the self appointed capital of the Big Valley region of West Elizabeth, and was founded as a logging town southeast of Mount Shann. The current mayor touts a delusion to turn the town into a.. resort town, though many of the residents don't share the same sentiment. There is no saloon in Strawberry, but there is certainly a steady flow of illegal moonshine to be accessed... if you ask the right people. And while there is no saloon, the parlour house is a pleasant attraction with no shortage of wayward girls taking up residence there. In fact, they tend to gravitate towards Strawberry and the parlour house for work, and these girls aren't always as they seem...


An industrialized settlement that is second in size to Saint Denis, Blackwater is a thriving port city along Flat Iron Lake in the state of West Elizabeth. Characterized by the cobbled streets, gas streetlamps, and telephone poles, Blackwater is another beacon of progress for mankind, and has become more diverse and spread out more into the surrounding plains. Those who take up living there are on the wealthy end and carry a higher societal status, and many living among the plains and in the nearby Heartlands head into Blackwater every day to conduct business and sell their goods.


Ambarino is the northernmost state and remains mostly uninhabited due to its harsh elements and unforgiving mountainous terrain. Most of it is covered by deep snow, and is divided roughly into two main regions, Grizzlies East and Grizzlies West. Any attempt at settlements were met with failure and usually resulted in being abandoned, a primary example being the remains of the Colter settlement which stand in ruin to this day. Wolves and bears pose a very real threat, and if there is anyone who decides to make their homestead in these areas, it's clear they are more hardy than the average settler, or they may be more in tune with the pull of whatever ancient magic is carved into the stone cliff faces.


A livestock town primarily, Valentine is planted within the Heartlands region of New Hanover and serves as a lively hub for farmers to come to auction off their goods and make their living. There is even a small theater for residents and those visiting to enjoy some simple entertainment, and the saloon is always a lively place to grab yourself a drink and some... "friendly" company. The crowd is usually honest, hard working and a bit brusque, and while it certainly isn't the cleanest, the time spent there will usually be enjoyable.


Annesburg is a mining town that was established by German settlers in the Roanoake Ridge region of New Hanover, and is sidled right up next to Grizzlies East of Ambarino. It has been established and providing coal for nearly a full century by now, efficiently built around the mine that provides the work for those who choose to live there. There is a heavy layer of fog blanketing the town due to the coal, and the town itself is littered with trash and the water carries an oily sheen to it. The train frequents through the Annesburg station, carrying out coal and keeping those working there well paid as they carve out the earth and decimate the surrounding landscape.

Van Horn Trading Post

Located just below Annesburg in New Hanover, along the shores of the Lannahechee River, Van Horn is a decrepit, derelict ramshackle where even the law seems to have abandoned, leaving justice in the hands of highly volatile drunkards. Most of the buildings seem abandoned and left to rot, but if you are there then you are usually there for a reason... due to the lack of a law presence, it has become a sort of hub for criminal activity in terms of trading, buying, and selling stolen or illegal goods. It also isn't uncommon to see rotting animals alongside the road with piles of trash, and the air carried a wretched smell which deters many from visiting for long.


Rhodes is located in the Scarlett Meadows region of Lemoyne, and appears on the surface a prim and proper Southern traditional town. But the longer you stay, it is clear that many residents wish for the glory of the town before the Civil War, and racial tensions, corruption, and old money family feuds run deep. Those who are more radical about these beliefs tned to join the notorious gang, the Lemoyne Raiders, who still don grey outfits similar to those worn by Confederates, and openly antagonize and attack anyone passing through their territory. The town is controlled by two primary feuding families, the Greys and the Braithwaites, and there are often blow ups and gunfights that break out due to the hostile tension perpetuated by a generations old feud.

Saint Denis

Located in the Bayou Nwa region of Lemoyne, Saint Denis serves as the state capital of Lemoyne and is often referred to as the "Jewel of Lemoyne". A 200 year old melting pot of progress and diversity, Saint Denis is the largest city among any of the surrounding states, and is blessed with good rail, road, and river connections for sugar, cotton, and other trading commodities. A new electric power plant has ensured that business is booming, and within the city limits industry magnates, socialites, traders, sailors, workers, beggars, and thieves all live side by side. It is heavily industrialized with paved streets and active tram lines, and the darkness of smog is deterred by many electric street lamps illuminating the lively city. Of course, with the city being as large as it is, there is a deep undercurrent of corruption that bleeds through business and politics, and it is clear the city is run by the wealthy first and by the law second.

The Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam. Nulla hendrerit luctus nibh vitae varius. Donec ac magna sed diam facilisis dapibus ut at arcu. Proin massa orci, aliquet in condimentum sodales, imperdiet venenatis nibh.

Aenean ut turpis porttitor, suscipit eros eu, euismod nunc. Duis non ex ut quam condimentum viverra. Ut laoreet lorem ut mattis semper. Aliquam viverra laoreet dui in congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam vulputate, elit vitae malesuada egestas, elit mauris facilisis nulla, quis condimentum tellus nisl eget eros. Nunc pretium justo vitae mattis vestibulum. Nunc eros velit, gravida in urna a, imperdiet faucibus velit.

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum sagittis.

Sed neque lacus, semper ut augue eget, bibendum hendrerit purus. Sed pharetra aliquam ligula. Curabitur ac elementum eros. Morbi pharetra venenatis justo dictum finibus. Aliquam id neque orci. Donec placerat dui sit amet magna laoreet maximus. Proin pellentesque orci eros, ut sollicitudin tortor aliquam in.

Vivamus ac nisi id tortor hendrerit faucibus id in dolor. Suspendisse lectus sem, tristique eget blandit a, molestie non mi. Maecenas vestibulum, ante id pellentesque dignissim, urna lacus cursus risus, in sollicitudin nibh quam id mauris. Cras aliquet congue ligula non tristique. Donec et euismod nibh. Nunc condimentum dictum diam, tempor consequat dolor congue eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed eu ipsum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas ullamcorper vestibulum justo quis dignissim. Nullam nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sed lectus urna. Nunc in volutpat libero, fringilla hendrerit velit. Sed vel purus eget mi mollis rhoncus. Nullam non nulla nec nisi finibus consectetur at vitae turpis.


The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.



[Late 1999] Strange people assumed to be working for the government appear in the town years after the initial investigation of The Event. The local rumor mill is trying to tie it to some Y2K conspiracy panic.
The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.



[Late 1999] Strange people assumed to be working for the government appear in the town years after the initial investigation of The Event. The local rumor mill is trying to tie it to some Y2K conspiracy panic.

content warnings

Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Contains violence in visual and written depictions. Violence may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Semi-explicit sexuality in visual and written depictions. Depictions may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Subjects such as trauma may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

RP Guide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam.


  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum.


the crew


21+ they/them INFJ active rp

Graves { satvrnixne } plays Ian & Jamie. Graves is open to RP and is the admin for the World. Any questions you have about joining the world you can send a DM to their personal account! If you are looking to connect with them as an RP partner you are also welcome to send a DM. Their RP criteria and limits can be found listed here.


21+ they/them ENTP closed rp

Clove { @clvnhvs } plays Jules & Reggie. Clove is not open to RP at this time and is a moderator for the World. Please do not send them DMs! You may ping them in the World forums if you need any questions answers or any applications approved.