Trait Guide

WIP more to be added


General anatomy

Terramals are humanoid species with glass terrarium heads. Each one must have a little critter inside-- thats the Terramal! Terramals must have all required traits, as shown above, but can be edited to your liking


Terramals must have a glass head. These heads dont have to be round: they can be any shape. They can have ears, no ears, metal framing, etc! Plant life must be found inside the head. It can be dead or alive. Every Terramal must also have a flower crown located somewhere on the head. 

Terramal Critters

Terramals must have a small creature living inside the head. These creatures can be anything! Real animals, fictional animals, entirely new made up creatures-- anything! The only requirement is that they can fit easily and have room to live inside the head. They can be as big or small as they want. These little guys are the driving force of the Terramals.


Terramals must have at least one pair of insect like wings. They can be any size and can have multiple sets. Examples of wing types include: Dragonfly, fairy, butterfly, etc.

