Don't Mind Me :)

I am just. testing. things.

What if I made a folder for the pirate au and then used these as information pages for pirate au locations. e.g. mystic isles? This is a good place for header images and descriptions or stuff you might find. Could have a link to the dedicated forum. Maybe.

Or should I just keep it simple and create an information area in the piratue au forums. That would be a forum under the category dedicated to information, with a general thread for the map and the kingdoms and groups in each region. Then to make more use of the forum/fill it out more, create threads for each region with reference images or headers, flora, fuana, etc. I am too tired for these decisions.

I need to figure out what to do with the au characters as well, since toyhouse delightfully doesn't show tabbed versions in worlds for whatever reason. Pages solve everything? Use a code as a character directory? Messy and manual, mayhaps, but could that be better than expecting us all to create seperate profiles for au versions of our characters? Utter nonsense, this.

Great news, toyhouse does show tabbed characters in worlds! I'm just stupid!