The Land of the Dead (Hell)


Hell has a very big part in my story, especially with Levi/Libidine. Hell is the home of one of our main antagonists, Satan himself. Demons flow into these lands constantly; some born here, some brought in by their own misdeeds, or just pure bad luck. There's a variety of different types with different jobs. Some are just trying to survive, some aren't able to. This place is filled with greed, lust, gluttony, pride, and all the other Seven Deadly Sins. Killing is common on the streets in some places. All depends on how lucky you are.




Diremere is where all the demons go to "live" and carry out their "lives". These are also known as the Living Quarters. If you're lucky, you end up in Ashenbury which is the rich and luxurious part of Diremere. If you're unlucky, you end up in what's called The Rat's Nest. That's the depths of the city, the ground. Around Diremere there are shops and other means of work. Demons, of course, have found a way to capitalize anything that they can. Some demons are smart and created their own companies, others are eating out of bins and wearing clothes from corpses. Gotta find a way to survive if you'll be stuck there for eternity, am I right?


  • Living Quarters of all the demons.
  • Seperated into two major areas. Ashenbury and The Rat's Nest.
  • Demons that have been there for centuries have developed their own lives and companies there, some even having children.
  • Work and slavery is surprisingly common in these areas. All depends on where you are.
  • All the higher ups and ones with money and power live up in the tops of Ashenbury. The higher you are, the more power you hold.
  • A big magical barrier surrounds this entire area. Nobody gets out. Considering having a great beast guard a gate in the front.

Noteable Locations

Ashenbury The Homes of "Royalty" Demons.

This is where all the higher up demons stay. Either born into this, or fought their way to the tops, sometimes literally. The ones here have the most greed and power possible (behind Satan, of course). Most of these are big buisness owners or people who others fear. Some find amusement in just fucking around and bothering the ones down below. Most are stuck up and cruel. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

The Rat's Nest Depths of the city

This is where most of the demons are. A majority is thrown in here once first coming to Hell. Sometimes you get thrown in between and get to bribe your way to the top. Down here is dirty and sickly. Lava pools and disease everywhere. Due to Hell's overpopulation, some die and decrease that number. Nobody will do anything about it just to keep that number from increasing too much.




This area is reserved for the main demon royalty. Satan himself and his sons, along with his astonishing amount of servants and guards. This place also holds big creature known as Alopha, with a glowing skull for a head and limbs that could crack your bones just by you looking at them. Nobody is ever seen going into this area. Demons often come out to grab things from deliveries every now and then, but that's usually the most seen. Everything here is very hidden and secret, some have tried to get in, but were killed on the spot. Most demons mind their own buisness and avoid this location at all costs. A deep forest surrounds the kingdom, making it almost impossible to get through between that and the fog. People are known to die in there all the time due to the intense fog and creatures that love to feast on weak prey.


  • Forest that surrounds this is known as the Creature's Fog.
  • Only demons that are seen are workers and slaves, there used to be Libidine who would escape and run around Diremere sometimes.
  • If you'd manage to get in, Alopha would probably eat you hold and use your bones as chew toys.
  • The only way the castle is seen is due to it being as tall as the sky and glooming over the Creature's Fog.
  • There was only one time the sky was ever black here. No demon is sure why. They sure do miss that little demon who'd run out though.
  • Alopha loves treats (usually a dead demon) given from delivery people.

Noteable Locations

Satan's Castle Home of Satan

This is where Satan himself stays. He's rarely seen outside his castle. When he is, it's never for good reason. The castle is heavily guarded with demons and magic. The only people seen coming out of that place is one of the princes of Hell, Libidine, although he hasn't been seen since the split.

Alopha's Crypt Home of the Guard Dog

In this area is where Alopha, the royal family's guard dog, lives. The place is covered in bones; some old, some new. Snores and growls are often heard here. At times, Alopha will run out and hunt people she finds in the Creature's Fog. She'll bring them back to her crypt and hold onto their bones until she's hungry again. Overall, as terrifying as she is for the demons outside of the gate, she's a huge emotional support to the prince of Hell and some of the workers. She's a massive sweetheart and a golden retriever once you get to know her.

The Inbetween

The Inbetween


This area is known as The Inbetween due to the fact it's the area in between the overworld and the other dimensions. When a soul goes through the door known as The Deciding Door, they either get sent to Hell, Heaven, or into their next life all depending on the choices that were made in their lifetime. Some souls stay in this area instead of going through, out of pure fear of what is on the other side.


  • A scientist known as Simon Winters stays in this area. He is known as one of the only souls that has the ability to go in between all the realms. He is Satan's right hand man and usually brings information about the other realms to him.
  • Some souls have set up camp here and like to greet others.
  • No soul has been able to figure out what made The Deciding Door or what type of magic controls it.
  • Simon usually stays in a hideout he's developed on top of the cliffs. He watches and observes the souls below him.
  • The only reason this area is green is due to The Split.
  • Only one creature from Hell has ever been able to go from one life, to Hell, then back to the overworld.

Noteable Locations

The Split The Prince's Mark

The soul known as Libidine had came into the kingdom's life. He was loved by many and caused plenty of mischief while he was around. He constantly escaped the castle and would greet people in town. One day people stopped seeing him and this tear in the sky appeared. It was also the only day the sky in Dreadhelm was black. Some believe it was his death, other's believe it was his freedom.

The Deciding Door Where Will You Go?

The Deciding Door will show you where you go depending on the types of stairs. If you see stairs that go up, Heaven. If they go down, Hell. If it's a long hallway, you go into your next life. This place isn't guarded. It's indestructable and unable to be changed. The magic here is older than any soul in existance. Nobody knows where it came from, or how it chooses your path.

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