Current species/world lore


Mischief world

Currently the Mischief world is set on a dystopian earth, climate change and natural disasters have ruined the world, economy and goverment

Oxygen has lessened over time due to a mysterious gas affecting the ozone layer

Renewable resource are no longer renewable, water has been become scarce due to droughts and almost no rainfall, the levels of oxygen has affected the air and rendered wind turbines unusable, solar panels aren't able to store any power because of the large amounts of gas/cloud buildup in the sky

This has caused humanity to search for a new power source, while searching for materials a team of explorers found an undiscovered ore near many volcanic sites called Reveirum(1)  (w.i.p lmao-)

When scientists tested Reveirum they found it had lots of stored electricity in their golden crystals, the only problem was this ore was very hard to find and there was very little of it

Without the government to distribute it people started fighting over it 

Barely anyone has the basic necessities like food, clean water or shelter and because of this people sought Reveirum to sell and get money to afford such necessities, these fights resulted in “gangs” or “territories” who would claim a section of land that was known to have 

The world suffers many natural disasters

  1. Reveirum 

Reveirum is small, shiny, shimmery gold ore, this is important to Mischiefs

About Mischiefs

Mischiefs are a fluffy/scaly species with some dragon aspects, they have long lanky bodies, fur down their along their body, large front paws, small back paws, cheek marks, thin wings used for gliding, a crystal chest horn and split tails

All Mischiefs have either permanently half open or permanently closed eyes

Mischiefs are not sentient and have animalistic behavior, their intelligence is comparable to a smart dog or a human toddler

Mischiefs have small crystal flakes in their fur and skin from collecting and hoarding Reveirum ore

Mischiefs also have gas breath that affects the earth's air

Mischiefs have incredible physical abilities that include but are not limited to:

  • Can run up to 100-200 mph on land
  • Can jump 30 feet straight into the air
  • Can burrow over 50 feet underground with their large front claws
  • Can pull or carry 2x their own body weight
  • Can expel fog breath, this fog can affect other animals senses
  • Can glide for hours at a time 
  • Can mimic any sound they hear

Mischiefs are the cause for Reveirum ore being so scarce, the ore is incredibly shiny and reflective which draws Mischiefs to it as they hoard shiny objects

Mischiefs use their fog to mark their territory and protect their hoards

Mischief variants

Mischiefs have 4 variants or “types” these types are

  • Canine
  • Aquatic
  • Aviary
  • insectoid

Each variant has its own set of traits, the variant live in different environments from general Mischiefs

General Mischiefs live near volcanic sites or crystal caves and have large claws for digging ore

Canine Mischiefs live near forested or jungle areas, long, strong legs for running and chasing prey

Aquatic Mischiefs live in/near oceans, lakes, or ponds and have webbed paws for better swimming

Aviary Mischiefs live in high mountains and trees, they have bigger stronger wings and glide for longer amounts of time (cannot fly!)

Insectoid Mischiefs live in swampy or marsh areas and have heightened senses of sight, smell, and sound

Mischiefs and the environment

Mischiefs affect their environments and earth in major ways, the biggest way is with their fog breath. Mischiefs has black fog breath that circles around their neck, this fogs affects the atmosphere as well as the oxygen levels causing humans in the area to need gas masks to survive, their fog also has a lingering effect and will stay around a forest or den they've made

Mischiefs find and collects shiny items like ores and minerals necessary for human survival

Mischiefs are omnivores and hunt all kinds of prey, and sometimes disrupt the food chain if/when they hunt too much