
Merlot (pronounced Mer-lo) - the rich type, has an adorable kind of face, likes buying nice things for the people he cares about, texts like a 12 year old, loves strawberry flavoured stuff, can't drive, goes to the expensive ass university and is undeclared because he is indecisive, he HATES when people say the t at the end of his name ( its mer-LO not mer-LOT you uncultured swine), down for crimes 120% of the time


Cyril - athletic jock type, strikingly handsome face, kind and extremely considerate, always trys to have important conversations in person, a total lightweight when it comes to drinking, super hardworking and never procrastinates (god i wish that were me), has an athletic scholarship for soccer but he wants to become a teacher one day, not down for crimes ever


Nathanial (goes by Nathan)  - bad boy type, has a guitar but can't play (hes way tone deaf), the type of guy who doesn't check his phone for hours, gets overprotective easily, would punch anyone who hurts his friends, surprisingly good at studying and gets great grades, at university for marine biology (he loves whales), down for crimes 65% of the time


Chardonnay & Pinot Nior - Merlot's older twin sisters, their mom is really into wines i don't know what to say

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