



Once a floating rock, now a sentient planet. Helrista is home to many creatures of all shapes and sizes. The land is plauged with death, as most of these beings are out for blood. Here you can't enjoy your time and relax, you're always being hunted, so RUN.

Helrista is home to Arcade_Anon's two major species called Goopies and Zatinuns. These creatures are both open species, meaning they are free to join and use. Join the Discord server if you seem to be confused by anything, but most importantly have fun!



03.16 Production. This is the third time we're doing this so let's go! We are redoing the world again beause Arcade is indecisive about how it needs to look. Right now production is slow so we are not fully launched yet. Ads will be put out on the socials and affilate servers once production is finished.

03.18 Discord Server and Bank Pricing. Since production of the Toyhouse is finally over, we are finally moving on to the Discord server and the pricing the things we can earn coins from! I'm very excited for when everything is finished.


Coming soon

- Arcade_Anon.

Coming Soon




Helristian history is hard to obtain, as most of their stories came from oral translation. However one of the two advanced species decided to start writing about the tales of Helrista, spoken to them through the sentient mountains. These were later discovered by human life forms, and translated into the English language prior to the original wipeout. This is what they had to say:

"It started all with the gods, three brothers who came to this planet when it was just a rock floating through space. These three siblings were named Arakiel, Ezekiel, and Zadkiel. They sprouted three seeds, one for each Yalanate (what they call the gods). First was the seed of life, given by Arakiel, the oldest, this seed sprouted the mountains of Life, that is I, what I am is the remains from that seed. I bring life to every creature in Helrista, it is the gift I was blessed with. Next was the seed of will, given by Ezekiel, the middle sibling. This seed is what gave this world a brain, why beings of you and I were able to do what we do best. They gave us the power to think of our decisions, that itself is a great gift. Finally, the seed of Death, given to us by Zadkiel, now children though death may be scary, it is necessary. How are we to appriciate life if we are unable to die? They gave us death, not as a curse, but as a gift.

The world was finally made, Helrista, they called it. This was meant to be a land of peace, a land of gentle beings. However you children became greedy. You fought your cousins like wild animals, making up these false landmarks and territories. They did not like this, not one bit. The Yalanates gave you children time to change, to renew and make amends. However, you chose not to, and they left. The Yalanates were no longer intrested in keeping you around, they knew one day you'd kill each other until there was nothing left."

There is a missing piece of Helristian history, as this was the last mention of the "Yalanates" before the first Human Explorations. During the Human Explorations, Dr. Y. D. Kalegh and their crew was sent to space in order to gather information upon these creatures outside the Milky Way. Although they had the option to not use force, the creatures of Helrista were held in capitivity for 20 to 30 years. During this time we have discovered that all beings on the land were harmed due to the amount of iron the crew had carried. Figuring out that iron is toxic to these creatures. The Human Exploration had came to a halt suddenly when the scientists found out the world was poisioning them. The air they were inhaling was not the same as it was prior to the explorations, it changed. The toxins in the air wiped out all but one scientist named Dr. Martha Valentine. However, one of the creatures, deemed the name Arcadial, escaped from their pod. This creature took their revenge of 20 years out on the scientist and killed her in cold blood. Dragging her body to an outskirts forest and letting her blood seep into the water. This concludes the history of Helrista.


Helristian society is not written in stone, however every creature seems to have a basic understanding of the golden rules of the land. These rules include not speaking to outcasted creatures, not to interact with other species unless it's Peace Day, never to kill your own kind, stick to your assigned jobs, and to never dishoner the gods.

The economy in Helrista relies on trade and gathering. They do not have a paper trail of currency. Trade is more popular during the Summer, when a creature called the Wandring Trader, soon recognized as Arcadial, comes out and travels all around the world for trade.

Finally the term of housing, though these creatures are fully able to develop houses, they instead choose to live in the caves of the mountains. They mention how the caves sprout fruits, makes soft soil for beds, and hides them away from other creatures. The mountains are sentient so in a literal sense they ward away other creatures that intend harm upon their children. These mountains give actual life to these beings, producing then asexually, an odd phomomenon.



Currently under construction - Arcade_Anon


Helristian religion is a lot more complex than human religion, as there isn't any lack of evidence that the Yalanates are actually real. They mention their stories as factual without room for doubt. It seems that the Yalanates are real, at least up to speculation they are.

Helrista does seem to rely on a lot of prayers as their ways of wrships. typically going to the Northern Mountains to visit the shrine they have for these beings. This shrine contains a lot of offerings from creatures all around. This varies from trinkets left behind from humans, meat offerings of other creatures, and plants that grow near the outskirts of the land.

We are able to see some myths of these beings written down by the Goopies. Though it is hard to translate them from their original texts, as the Goopies are very secretive with their way of writing. We do understand that the siblings has much more to do to shape the land, we just are unable to say who did what. As we are lacking in that information.













