Plot and art ideas

Offshore (why are they all about Xye)

Xye and Jinai having a social media spat

pup-tart: Her personality is so entertaining, I could totally see her posting a Twitter poll or something to see which team people are rooting for and bragging about the results

Lujang attempts to murder Xye

circlejourney: I, too, want to see an interaction between Lujang and Xye (other than the one that's them shoving him into the water). It would probably be reported in the news, the fallout would be so severe.

bulgariansumo: "Attempted Assassination of Xye U. L. by Cloudlander Staff" That would be sure to fly off the shelves.

circle: oh my god she would try 😭

circle: 'When asked how she felt following her near-death experience, Xye said, "No need to be such a hater~! Geez, they'll do anything to get my attention these days."'

bsumo: Poor Xye, literally fighting off the haters at this point. Will her turmoil ever end?

Xye tries to impress Zera

dracupa: xye tries to be goth in order to score a date. does it work? i don't know!


Rain date

"I hate days like this"

Jinai and Anqien get rained in at Jinai's place.