Welcome to the Bureau!

We are so glad to see you.

 For countless, endless years, gems have pondered the existence of a creature that is hardly a gem, if it weren't for the stone in their form. Something sinister, cannibalistic, featureless and cunning; the infinitely confounding rumor of Sapphirines. Most gems pay it no mind. If Sapphirines were real, all sapphires would surely be eaten!

Haven't you wondered why Sapphires are so rare?

 Sapphirines have existed as long as gemkind has existed. Some choose to hide in the depths of the planets they were born on, some flee, but most join The Bureau. Many are born into it. Sapphirines, unlike other gems, are able to reproduce with one another. They do not inject the ground. They do not create synthetic stones. They love, they marry, they have children, they eat Sapphires.

 This coalition stretches across huge star systems, expanding slowly with each passing century. Each conquering Sapphirine lays a claim to land within these ever-expanding confines, and personally advises entire planets and solar systems, usually with a partner. Some lend their abilities not to control the stars but to be consuls and Ambassadors. 

 Not all join these ranks! Some Sapphirines do not even know it exists. Some choose to never interact with it, having been made by accident from Diamonds. This should serve as an reference kept of those known that do serve and should be known.