About The World

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What in the world is this place?

"Leaf me puzzled, but I'm rooted in awe of its natural grace!"


Welcome to Verdant, a realm of captivating beauty and untamed wilderness. As you step into this open world, you will be immersed in a rich tapestry of vibrant flora, ancient trees, and the whispers of nature's secrets. Verdant is a place where the line between reality and fantasy blurs. As you traverse this wondrous realm, you will encounter the plant people, beings of ethereal beauty whose features mirror the very plants they embody. Witness their deep-rooted connection with nature as they tend to their plant homes and celebrate the cyclical rhythms of life in vibrant ceremonies.

In Verdant, time flows at its own pace, intertwined with the ebb and flow of the natural world. Embrace the serenity of dawn's gentle light, the vibrant energy of midday's warmth, and the mysterious allure of twilight's embrace. Explore the hidden corners of the realm, where ancient ruins whisper stories of a forgotten past, and where creatures roam in harmony with their surroundings. However, the absence of conventional technology is replaced by the wonders of nature's ingenuity. Experience the soft glow of bioluminescent flora or the mesmerizing dance of firefly lanterns. Adapt to a world where sunlight, moonlight, and starlight become your guiding beacons, where the harmonious integration of light and nature creates a symphony of illumination.

Regions (pronounciations)

Please note that while these descriptions provide a sense of the general atmosphere and features of each region, the specific flora types and additional details may vary within each location.

  • Ecluminary (eh-cloom-in-airy)

Found in the northernmost reaches of Verdant, Ecluminary stands as a realm bathed in shimmering twilight and adorned with captivating celestial phenomena. This enchanted land, renowned for its otherworldly allure, is a testament to the interplay between ethereal light and the wonders of nature.

  • Lunula (luh-null-ah)

Nestled in the south western region of Verdant, Lunula is a realm of ethereal charm and tranquil serenity. Its landscape boasts majestic mountains, shimmering lakes, and expansive meadows, all bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight. Lunula is a place where dreams and imagination intertwine, offering inspiration to those who seek its embrace.

  • Nemori (neh-more-e)

At the heart of Verdant lies Nemori, a region that embodies the essence of life and vitality. Nemori's foliage remains evergreen, offering respite and shelter even in the depths of winter. It is a place of community and gathering, where the plant people and other inhabitants of Verdant find solace and companionship during the colder seasons.

  • Thraumora (throw-more-uh)

Located in the south eastern region of Verdant, Thraumora is a land of enchanting mysteries and captivating beauty. Its landscape is marked by rolling hills and meandering rivers. The air is filled with a sense of adventure and the whispers of ancient tales that echo through its ancient groves.

How Do I get started?

  • Read the rules
  • Read About the World
  • Make a character, using the How To section to give guidelines
  • Nunc consequat pharetra nunc, et rutrum massa euismod id. Donec egestas et felis eu scelerisque. Aenean vitae urna quis erat ullamcorper vehicula.


  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.

  • HOBBY: Describe hobby here.


  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.

  • HABIT: Describe habit here.


  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.

  • STRENGTH: Describe strength here.


  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.

  • WEAKNESS: Describe weakness here.


  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

  • SKILL: Describe skill here.

Code by Aurorean