
"The angel of the death is the invisible angel of life"


"Your turn to die" is a rp paced story revolving around the lives of angels in the paw beyond as they go about their dayly struggle with their jobs: to end the lives of mortals.Their job isnt actually as easy as one would think, rather than simply ending the mortals life with their power they must brutally bring the mortals end about them, not very angel like huh?

Integer vel turpis vel dui posuere placerat posuere sit amet arcu. Etiam finibus maximus commodo. Quisque arcu nisi, sollicitudin sed turpis ac, euismod maximus erat. Pellentesque eget placerat dolor. Curabitur gravida arcu in efficitur scelerisque. In pharetra mauris scelerisque magna volutpat, ut cursus sapien luctus. Sed quis libero ac mi malesuada mattis vitae malesuada mi. Quisque non turpis ac magna porta venenatis.

Code by Aurorean