Welcome to Jellyfloofs!

JellyFloofs are little fluffy looking creatures filled with jelly!

Please keep in mind that Jellyfloofs are a closed species, meaning you cannot make your own without a MYO ticket! For more information, follow our instagram @Jellyfloofs or join our Discord.

This toyhouse is used to keep track of all the Floofs that are sold, made and created.

Jellyfloofs come from the distant land of Gelcatin! They are not very fond of humans. There are four major cities of Gelcatin - Confloofionery, Catndy, Floofdant and Floofee! They are inhabited by billions of Floofs.

They enjoy eating sprinkles and wet jello mix - it's the only way to keep their jelly membrane nice and healthy. A unhealthy jelly membrane will not keep its shape, causing pain to the Floof. Despite the tasty-looking exterior of the jelly membrane, it's best to not ingest a Jellyfloof. They taste bitter and most species of Floof have toxic jelly membrane, which can easily kill an average human!

So what are you waiting for? Join the amazing world of the Jellyfloofs!


04/04/23 We launched our Toyhouse world and Discord, along with having an Instagram, join us to make friends, share art and get your own JellyFloof!

05/04/23 Launched a Floof giveaway on Instagram! Here is the link if you are interested. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqo41KkJuKl/

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  1. Be kind to each other! That means no harassement or bullying, try not to start fights, if you have trouble with other members pm an admin and well help figure out how to solve the situation.
  2. No +18! We are not a age restricted world and JellyFluffs are a feral species. So, no sexual content and no uncensored gore, keep it family friendly. Use the censor options provided by Toyhouse on images that may be triggering.
  3. No flood/spam! That means no sending a lot of repeated or consecutive messages, images, comments, links, etc.
  4. No art stealing! That means no copying, tracing, heavily inspiring or using artwork that doesn't belong to you without permission. That also means no AI generated images.
  5. Credit your artists! Please do credit any artist for designs and illustrations on the character profiles using the disponible options provided by toyhouse.
  6. Admins and founders always get the final say. If they say something, you must obey them.



Species Creator, Discord Mod and Toyhouse Admin


Discord Mod, Toyhouse Admin and Designer


Discord Mod and Designer







HTML by Pinky

Latest Bulletin

How to get your own JellyFloof

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by ChanteRyuutai

You can join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/CyEPVH8tYR to obtain Jellyfloofs via MYO, by buiyng from our Designers, from giveaways and other fun activities!!!

You can keep an eye out on our instagram as well for possible news and activities: https://www.instagram.com/jellyfloofs/

We will also be occasionally posting updates on Amino! https://aminoapps.com/c/Adopt/home/

By participating in events, you can also earn the official currency called Jellies, and that can be exchanged for a MYO :)

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