The 3008 Cinematic Universe

The 3008 Cinematic Universe is a collaborative art and writing project created by ChilledVibes, Briarzdog, and WyvernNotDragon. It centers around the titular SCP-3008, the experiments conducted- and the blood spilled- to try and understand it, and the stories of the victims of the experiment as they survive the aftermath.

The Minerva Experiment

"Doctor Locke. We- we can't do this."

"Soren," the Doctor lilts, her tone laced with condescension. "Since when have you been such a coward?"

The Minerva Experiment began in the year 2034 on a grant from the SCP Foundation. Its mission- or, rather, the mission that most people knew about- was split into two parts: the first part, to expand the Foundation's understanding of the enigmatic SCP-3008 by sending in recruits to explore its infinity and analyze the creatures within. The second part- the part that was hidden to the outside world, and the part that would eventually lead to the Experiment's downfall- was to take the creatures within SCP-3008: the Employees- and to hybridize them with humans, creating infinitely-regenerating soldiers for the SCP Foundation.

The true mission of the Minerva Experiment was far darker. The founder of the Minerva Experiment, Doctor Yelena Kapralova-Locke, was revealed to have been orchestrating the training of the hybrid soldiers into storming and taking over the SCP Foundation's Site-19, one of the largest Foundation sites on the planet. Shortly after this information was revealed to the Foundation and the rest of the world, Yelena Kapralova-Locke was executed for her crimes and the Experiment was dissolved.

The Recruits

Fiona sighs shakily into the recorder. "I- I don't think this was a good idea. I want to go home."

The Recruits were a group of people sent into SCP-3008 on the orders of the Minerva Experiment. They had two objectives: to explore the inside of SCP-3008, and to bring in the bodies of Employees within SCP-3008 for analysis and DNA extraction by the Experiment's team.

However, one part of the Experiment's motive for sending in the Recruits was hidden from their knowledge. The Minerva Experiment was collecting the DNA of the Recruits to be used in the creation of the hybrid soldiers for the Foundation. The Recruits never found this out until the hybrids- who eventually gained the nickname "Skinwalkers", named so for the Employees' lack of internal organs- escaped from their confinement in the storage rooms of SCP-3008 and encountered the Recruits for themselves.

The Skinwalkers

The shutdown of the Experiment didn’t even seem like a possbility. The Experiment just was. That’s how it had been for all Wolfy's life and that’s all she’d ever known.

The Skinwalkers were the children and lifeblood of the Experiment. Hybrids of humans and Employees, they were trained from the day they were created to fight and protect. They were divided into three classes: Soldiers, the ground force, looking almost identical to humans but being dozens of times stronger; Scouts, hybridized with birds along with Employees to give them wings and the power of flight; and Trackers, animal hybrids that utilized their enhanced senses and animal features to track down and defeat enemies.

These hybrids were originally going to be sent to guard SCP Foundation containment sites- however, Doctor Locke instead orchestrated their training in taking over Site-19. When the Experiment's ulterior motives were discovered and it was shut down, all traces of the Skinwalkers had to be erased, to maintain the public image of the SCP Foundation- Doctor Locke, days from death herself, sent the Skinwalkers to be confined in the underground storage rooms of SCP-3008, so nobody from the Foundation would ever find them.

The Aftermath of the Experiment

The Tracker shook their head solemnly. "The Experiment's shut down," they said. "We're all on our own now."

Chill's stomach gave a brutal sort of twist- on your own, something in her head taunted, on your own forever.

The Recruits were never rescued from SCP-3008 after the Minerva Experiment shut down. Rather, they were left to fend for themselves- slowly, the Recruits organized themselves into factions, building safe bases for themselves and getting into conflict with other factions over the scarce resources in SCP-3008. These squabbles occasionally escalated into all-out territory wars among the Recruits- however, despite their situation, the Recruits seem to be making the best of what they have and surviving despite the odds being stacked against them.

The Skinwalkers were not as lucky. Being confined in the storage rooms- they came to be called the Backrooms, eventually- meant that the Skinwalkers had no access to any of the resources- including food and water- the Recruits in the aboveground part of 3008 had. The Skinwalkers managed to raise a handful of bases in the shelves, and assembled a small city that came to be known as Stockades- an ironic name synonymous with prison. After this, the Skinwalkers could not accomplish anything else major without devolving into fights over how to continue surviving without any access to food and water- despite being hybrids that could survive longer than any human could without food or water, they were on the brink of starvation themselves.

A group of four Skinwalkers, who eventually gained the name of the Raiders, found a way out of the Backrooms, and began raiding the bases built by the Recruits to provide for the starving Skinwalkers beneath. Currently, the Raiders essentially rule the city of Stockades, being its only lifeline.

The Future

There is no canonical ending to the 3008 storyline. In not providing an ending, infinite storytelling possibilities are opened up- tens of thousands of words of content has been written for the 3008 Cinematic Universe, spanning the canon timeline as well as dozens of alternate universes.