Welcome to the Warning Howl Species!

 About Them

 These little buddies are from Earth. They help clean up messes or warn humans of dangers. They are loving and accepting of humans and often will find one  and get attached to them. They are very docile and kind, there are very few whom are temperamental and is commonly caused by mistreatment in the past.   It is rare that a Warning Howl will be aggressive without reason. Aggression is the only rare emotion. Some Warning Howls, when attached to a human,   may get protective over them when they are faced with danger. Whether it be danger from a human, animal or site.

 Biological Information

 These creatures are 5-8 inches tall.
 Their paw pads, noses and tongue are out of soap.
 Their tails are always wet and soapy UNLESS they are sick. (If a Howl is sick it's tail will dry up).
 These creatures can be any species : Bird, cat, dog, lizard, ect. (Must be a species with a tail, "butt feathers" count as tails.)

 Any other questions? Feel free to comment here.