Ocs that feature in this is Artem & abyssal


(this following text is copy pasted from the discord i do plan out editing the forums to list lore about the universe when i feel its ready and i have better art this is just a concept i wanted to share. your thoughts & feed back are appreciated)

These are vertical tunnels that lead out of the main habitable area of voidplane (they lead out of were most terracapras live) They can be dangerous to navigate especially if your a capra who hasnt figured out how to shapeshift wings yet. The lines leading up are carved out by other terracapras so alow others to climb if they dont fly. i also imagine the lights are also put there by capras. Youll only usually see Outroamerterracapras using these tunnels to go back & forth from the habital area. (outroamers are terracapras & other species who eaither fight or find recourses outside the habitable area.) the reason they fight is because their are alot of huge monsters on the outside and they dont want them breaking into the habitable area so there are terracapras & other creatures trained to take care of them. Abyssalis one of these terracapras who were trained to do this & he was actually born in out of the outside areas. 

About Neavivans
So If you dont know what Neavivans are they are a subspecies of terracapra that existed for a while now. They were originally adults only but recently i decided to soon make them available for everyone. Im going to redo their sheet & info i gave them more interesting abilities to differentiate them from terracapras. so exspect that soon.

About Terracapras
With terracapras & potentially my other species i want to update their layouts on toyhouse to be easier to understand and to mention that their shapshifting abilities are somthing they need to practice. 

Quick update

Posted 10 months, 12 days ago by AirwaveCreature

-Peurgladdi's & fused capras folder was move into the terracapras folder. just made sense because there both related to terracapras & to not clutter the front page.

 -added mascot folders in all the featured folders. 

- added alot of forum stuff.

-also currently working on getting icons for things. 

-lore will take a while to right now as im still figuring out alot of it & i dont have good art of locations & stuff atm. 

alot of stuff is being added & changed so sorry if this is hecktic im still figuring out how worlds work.