"Seek further Beyond..."

It's the sounds that reach you first, a roaring in your ears that you first mistake for wind. Too loud for you to recognise as anything else, too nervous with the flanking Guards escorting you to somewhere, someplace. It's only as you move closer, and the earth opens up to the sky, that you understand that what you're hearing is water. A thunderous waterfall mere fox lengths from your patrol disappearing over the edge in great tides. It's mesmerizing, beautiful, and you yearn to see more until a firm shove from your right directs you towards a downward step of rocks. Leading you down and out onto an expansive shore.

After only a few minutes the view is obscured. A yawning opening cut into the cliffs and despite your hesitation you're more herded than led into the chasm. Inside cats mill around in small groups, some at work while others mingle though before you can look further you're nudged by one of your Guards, a darker tom, clearing his throat and gesturing at an approaching body.

Broad and grey, she introduces herself as Silentstar, "Be most welcome to the Vagabonds, dear fledgling. We are honoured to have you. If there is anything you need, do not be afraid to ask. We are your home now, your family. A new life awaits you."

The Vagabonds is a fantasy survival horror-themed arpg inspired by the series "Warriors" by Erin Hunter. Our story follows the Vagabonds and their leaders, Silentstar and Pantherstar, as they try to survive the wild and build a home and family for themselves. However, something greater is waiting for them, beyond the horizon, in the whispers of the night it's not only their past that will haunt them...

Welcome to the Vagabonds! We offer a diverse set of NPCs, with some romancable, fun quests and events, a currency and stat system, and a thrilling storyline set in medieval times (with some creative freedom).

Vagabonds is a semi-open group. Only members who win in Tryouts are able to join, but spectators are always welcome! For current openings view our Tryouts Page.

Current Openings: New Member Tryouts coming on the 26th! Join our Discord for updates.

Trigger Warnings before you join: Vagabonds contains dark and heavy themes and is not suited for the faint-hearted. Due to this the required age to join Vagabonds is 16+ years. Stay safe!

Content Warnings: death, blood, gore, violence, implied cannibalism, child/kit death, implied abuse, depictions of animal death and gore, depictions of mental illness, religious themes

Prologue — New Life

"Despite everything, life flourishes and the Vagabonds grow ever steadily in numbers. Yet they can never get too comfortable, for the shadows whisper of a storm brewing on the horizon."

Clan News

Moonly news of the clan.

  • Eliza temporarily joins Vagabonds and is expecting kits!
  • Orangepaw, Stagpaw, Mallowpaw, Rolliepaw, Centipedepaw, Orcapaw, Spikepaw, Whitepaw, Cobrapaw, Cranepaw, Fernpaw and Urchinpaw have all passed their fledgling trials and become greenclaws!


The current weather.

The Vagabonds can welcome a temporary respite from the blistering heat of the sun. The sky is littered with clouds and a chilly breeze wafts over the beach from the ocean.

This months featured cat is Cranepaw played by Carn and featured art by pingusus ...



Each character Vagabonds must have stats. Our system focuses on five core attributes: Intelligence, Strength, Charisma, Stamina, and Speed. Every attribute has a maximum of 10 points.

These stats will be used in things such as battling and character interactions, along with a dice roll. As a player, we recommend you choose where you put your stats wisely. Make sure it makes sense for your character. Do not overpower them just for the sake of having big stats.

If you want to challenge yourself, feel free to use our suggested limit of a maximum of 30-35 points and distribute them among your stats as you see fit. This is just a suggestion, not a set limit.


In Vagabonds, you can accept quests. In the Discord server, you'll find specific channels for different types of quests, along with clear explanations of how the process works. Quests can range from small tasks like assisting an NPC with replacing their nest's moss to major quests that are part of larger events.

Accepting side quests gains in-game currency and reputation.

View your bone shard balance, inventory and character reputation here.


Our in-game currency is called bone shards! You can collect these through art, roleplays and completing quests. Bone shards let you buy store items outside the lore, as well as in-game items from Gambits' Bits and Bones!


As mentioned previously, players may gain reputation through completing quests. Reputation earns you either approval or disapproval among your clanmates and may unlock lore with certain NPCs. The more approval you have, the more an NPC may be willing to share. Approval also unlocks romances, or friendships between characters while disapproval earns dislike from NPCs, or even in-clan fighting.

Reputations will be tracked by staff alongside bone shards in our tracker. You will have access to your current approval rating by the NPCs towards you character, as well as general clan reputation, which you'll be able to view here. Clan reputation will earn you a general approval or disapproval from the entire clan and may unlock punishments or rewards depending on how high or low it is.

past events

50 moons ago

Silentsea and Panthershade escape their former home and journey alone for a period.

48 moons ago

Silent and Panther strip themselves of their old names temporarily. They meet a nomadic group of cats called the Wayfarers and travel with them.

44 moons ago

Feeling out of place, Silent and Panther leave the Wayfarers and continue to travel on their own. Their goal is to find a permanent and better home for themselves.

41 moons ago

Silent and Panther discover the Split Isles and make it their home. The first-ever Vagabond members are recruited.

35 moons ago

The first Wanderers are named and the Vagabonds have their first official voyage to the Shimmering Shores.

8 moons ago

Redraven is named second deputy.

roleplay timeline

Prologue - New Life

  • There is a heavy surge of newcomers in the Vagabonds. The clan grows steadily.
  • Some bullet points here
  • Some bullet points here

Chapter 1

  • Some bullet points here
  • Some bullet points here
  • Some bullet points here

Chapter 2

  • Some bullet points here
  • Some bullet points here
  • Some bullet points here


The Ferry

??? - it/they

There's a scream in the breeze, silent and wheezing, piercing into the skies and quaking the dirt beneath your paws enough for you to give pause. To take in the unusual nature of the fauna surrounding you; the leaves almost shiver in anticipation, as do you know that you realise something is coming, but it does not feel like a threat - or maybe you just hope it isn't. The screaming grows into a crescendo, a wail unlike anything you've ever heard and from that screaming comes something that once thought it had shape. A squirming light, of lives, and blinking does not eliminate it despite your prayers. This is very much real, and as its light becomes mass, it becomes clear that this is nothing of your world. Much more than a spirit, it shakes out its head - heads? - to greet you with a shifting expression that you guess to be a smile. After a moment, a standoff, it extends one of its heavy limbs, and in a moment, your world is black. The thing is gone when you awake, but at your paws, there is now a single flower. Pristine and unusual.


age - he/him

You wonder, a little hysterically even, if the scent of rot is the behemoth's last meal or simply its natural musk. As unpleasant as it is pungent, it- no, he rumbles a name like an oncoming storm. Disgustingly befitting, Guts' hunched posture offers no comfort as the sheer size of the feline cannot help but tower as much as a hound cannot stop itself from consuming. With gnarled scars and glittering fangs, you cannot help but wonder if he had ever been young. Small once, as full of life as the kittens in the Nursery- ", three rats." A hefty paw rises before your eyes with the same heft of a bear, three toes outstretched with curved claws on display. "Three rats, and you'll be rewarded." A task? What use does this thing have for rats? You think better of asking him, though; a reward is a reward, and it's a blessing to be away from the stench. After a few moments of walking it dawns that you hadn't asked if the rats had to be breathing or not. Turning quickly, you see that he's vanished without a single noise or disturbance. Huh.


age - any pronouns

It's the sound that draws you close at first, waspish laughter and clinking chimes in the breeze, irresistible to any normal feline but you've always been a curious one haven't you? Dangerous, but there is nothing to fear here. Stumbling into the clearing, bracken pulling your fur, you are baffled to see a cat seated comfortably at a fallen tree. The smooth split of the stump covered in a range of unusual items, from feathers to carved charms that sparkle faintly in the waning evening light. The tom at its helm ushers you towards his goods, proudly introducing himself as Gambit with a cheshire grin and the same buzzing cackle from before. Had he been speaking to someone before you arrived? Unusually, you're unable to dwell on it as the furless tomcat begins listing his wares, and the quantity of bone shards for each. Politely, you explain you lack the items he desires but with promises to return you're free to leave. As you do, you can't help but overhear the shopkeeper begin to speak; laughter seems to chase your heels as you flee.



  • Be Respectful. Please treat each other with basic human decency. Disrespect and arguing on the server will not be tolerated. Please stay kind and polite.
  • 16+ Age Requirement. Since Vagabonds deals with heavy themes, the required age to join is at least 16 years old. If we find out you're lying about your age and aren't old enough, we will ban you.
  • Triggers. Our group is a horror RPG and contains heavy topics. Not all themes will be spoilered, so beware. However, there will be a public trigger list for member-triggers. Trigger on that list should be avoided in conversation, or spoilered in-case they come up. If you have any specific triggers let us know in a ticket and it will be added.
  • NSFW is strictly prohibited. Talking about topics that include sexual themes, self-harm, religion, or world events is not allowed. They are important topics but this roleplay is not the place to do so.
  • Do not discriminate. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism and bigotry, as well as other topics that fall under this category, will not be tolerated.
  • Plagiarism is not allowed. This includes art theft, tracing, or heavily referencing works from other creators as well as heavily copying characters from other media and making them into warrior cats, meaning don't just make Peter Parker as a cat.
  • There is no forced activity. We understand that people have lives. Have patience and do not rush your fellow roleplay partners. If you do need to go on a longer break, let us know on the hiatus channel! As long as you try your best to communicate with us whenever possible, we'll be able to work things out.
  • Vagabonds operates on a 3 strike system. You will receive a warning before your first strike. Breaking certain rules may warrant more than one strike, and in extreme cases, an instant ban.


  • Roleplays must have proper grammar.
  • Consent is important. Always talk to your fellow players and ask them before inflicting anything harmful upon them. No god-modding or controlling other characters.
  • No metagaming. Your character can only know things they have learned in roleplay.
  • No powerplay. Things your character does in-rp will always have consequences, negative or positive. Your character is not invincible.
  • For roleplays or writing to be considered canon, they must either take place on the server or be submitted for bone-shards.
  • Kits and apprentice-aged characters (0-14 moons) are not allowed to have romances of any kind. Apprentices (6+ moons) may have puppy crushes. Age gap limits for romances/crushes are as follows:
    • Age gaps for apprentices (6-14 moons) can't be larger than 2 moons. (This is strictly for puppy crushes.)
    • Age gaps for younger warriors (14-40 moons) can't be larger than 15 moons.
    • Age gaps for mature warriors (40-80 moons) can't be larger than 30 moons.
  • 1 Moon in game = 2 Weeks IRL. Characters will age up by one moon every other week. If a character joins the group in between moons, they will not age until the following moon. Vagabonds also has an altered cat-to-human years conversion for convenient storytelling (provided to us by our lovely friend mana). The age groups are as follows:
    • Kits — 0-6 Moons (In human years, ages 0-12)
    • Apprentices — 6-14 Moons (In human years, ages 12-18)
    • Young Warriors — 14-40 Moons (In human years, ages 18-34)
    • Mature Warriors — 40-80 Moons (In human years, ages 34-64)
    • Elders — 80-120 Moons (In human years, ages 72-100)
  • Character Death. If you want to have your character die, or permanently disappear, you must discuss so in a ticket with staff beforehand. If you leave the server, or become inactive for long enough where staff is unable to reach out to you, we retain the right to have your character pass away in the roleplay.
  • Your characters are not their disablities. Do not structure their entire personality around their disablity. We also ask that you do the proper research if your character is disabled.
  • Make sure to write accents properly. If you want to write a character who is supposed to have an accent, use grammar and slang associated with people who have that accent. More on this here (provided by oats).
Credits to Prismana and the wcarpg Star Crossed for some of the systems in place.
Special thanks to our staff team, Carn, Endsy and Prismana for helping us out in development.