In a lone shack deep within the woods, a witch stirred a sugary-looking substance inside a cauldron. She enjoyed her sweets and had recently run out, now looking to make more all to herself. Her last ingredient involved a large, blue, shiny crystal. Found inside a nearby dungeon, rumor has it that the contents of this crystal would contain flavors of pure bliss to ANYONE'S taste buds. But, as soon as the shiny shard was lowered into the bubbling base of the cauldron...


      Bubbles flew as the liquid glowed many different colors. The rumbling of the pot shook the hut so much that ALL of the un-intended cooking items fell from the shelves and into the pot! Spices, toppings, sprinkles, syrups, everything fell into the sweetly sickening storm! The elderly witch cowered amidst the candy chaos, she tried to make it to the door as fast as her old ankles could take her! But she never even reached the wooden handle before a blue flash lit the entire land...


     Another bigger explosion, seemingly eviscerating EVERYTHING except the cauldron somehow. The witch, who was once flesh and bone, was now nothing but dust. All was quiet until motion came from the liquid within the black pot. A hand reached out! Soft-baked, yet still with a firm grip on the lip of the cauldron, out came several sweet and energetic biscuit figures! Complete with thought, feelings, and personality! That big old crystal didn't just give them a blissful taste, it gave them pure sentience as well! From there, these new creatures went on adventures, explored the world, built colonies, and learned about and replicated another world written in historical literature. One of their favorite pass times from said literature? Hand-to-hand combat of course!! Gathering enough relics of combat got these sweets duking it out! From striking to grappling, only the sky is the limit!!!